Top 5 Reasons Businesses Choose It’s Relevant TV for Their Televisions

In today’s competitive market, businesses are always looking for innovative ways to engage customers and make their brands stand out. One powerful tool many businesses are turning to is It’s Relevant TV (IRTV), a customizable television solution that goes beyond traditional TV programming and digital signage. Here are the top five reasons why businesses choose It’s Relevant TV for their televisions:

1. Customized Content for Enhanced Customer Engagement

It’s Relevant TV offers businesses the ability to display tailored content that captivates and engages their customers. Unlike standard cable or satellite TV, which broadcasts generic programming, It’s Relevant TV allows businesses to choose content that aligns with their brand and audience preferences. This personalization keeps customers entertained and engaged while they wait, leading to a more enjoyable experience.


  • Relevant Programming: Content is curated to reflect the interests of your visitors. You pick the categories of content you think they will enjoy and IRTV does the rest.
  • Brand Alignment: Showcases content that complements your business’s values and goals, and frame it all within your logo and brand design.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Enhances their experience, keeping customers entertained and happy.

Example: A dental clinic can stream educational videos about oral health, mixed with entertaining clips, making the wait time both informative and enjoyable for patients.

2. Advertising and Promotional Opportunities

One of the standout features of It’s Relevant TV is the ability to seamlessly integrate your own advertisements and promotions into the content. This means businesses can promote their services, special offers, or upcoming events directly on their TVs, reaching visitors at the point of decision.


  • Targeted Advertising: Display ads and promotions specifically for your local audience.
  • Increased Sales: Promote products and services that can drive immediate purchases.
  • Repeat Visits: Give people a reason to return to your location.

Example: A restaurant can advertise daily specials or upcoming events during the video playback, encouraging customers to take advantage of promotions while they dine, and come back in the future to enjoy something special you have planned and promoted.

3. Dynamic and Fresh Content

Keeping content fresh is crucial to maintaining viewer interest. It’s Relevant TV provides a continuous stream of dynamic content that updates regularly, ensuring that customers see something new every visit. This variety keeps the programming exciting and prevents the content from becoming stale.


  • Continuous Updates: Regularly refreshed content keeps viewers engaged.
  • Diverse Programming: A wide range of topics and genres caters to various interests.
  • No Loop: Maintains customer interest with ever-changing content that does not suffer from a repetitive loop.

Example: A car dealership can stream automotive news, industry trends, and entertaining videos, keeping customers engaged and informed while they wait. And even if a customer is in front of the TV for hours while they wait for a repair, they are seeing new content constantly.

4. Easy Integration and Management

It’s Relevant TV is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for businesses to integrate and manage their television content. The platform allows for simple setup and intuitive controls, enabling businesses to update and manage their content without needing technical expertise.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and operate, minimizing the learning curve.
  • Flexible Control: Allows for quick updates and changes to the programming and promotions from anywhere.
  • No Technical Hassle: Streamlined integration with top streaming boxes including Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV.

Example: A retail store can effortlessly update their content to showcase seasonal promotions and new arrivals just by logging in on a storekeeper’s phone. In just a few second they can upload a new promotion to keep their TV displays relevant and engaging.

5. Affordable Solution with High ROI

Investing in It’s Relevant TV provides businesses with a cost-effective solution that delivers a high return on investment (ROI). By enhancing the customer experience and providing a platform for in-house advertising, businesses can maximize the impact of their TV screens without incurring significant costs.


  • Cost-Effective: Lower costs compared to TV subscriptions + traditional advertising.
  • High ROI: Boosts customer engagement and in-store sales, providing a strong return on investment.
  • Value Addition: Adds value to the customer experience, fostering loyalty and repeat visits.

Example: A gym can use It’s Relevant TV to entertain members with fitness tips and motivational content, while promoting membership referral deals and new classes, thereby increasing member retention and sales.

It’s Relevant TV is more than just a TV solution; it’s a strategic tool that enhances customer engagement, promotes products and services, and delivers dynamic, customizable content. Businesses across various industries choose It’s Relevant TV to transform their in-store televisions into powerful communication platforms that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

If the service interests you, it’s easy to schedule a demo of It’s Relevant TV and explore all of the features and benefits over a Zoom call.

ViewMedica Alternatives for Waiting Room TV – VMCast Reviews

Looking for an alternative to ViewMedica for your medical waiting room TV? We’ve summarized the top choices below.

Whether you’re a hospital, medical office, urgent care, doctor, dentist, or specialist, having a quality TV service provider in your waiting room is very important. Many people who had used the ViewMedica VMCast system in the past are looking for alternatives that provide a more content-rich experience. They are looking to achieve better patient engagement and visitor satisfaction  with a different TV provider. Let’s take a look at the 3 types of TV services available to medical offices today:

#1 Custom Television Network

A custom television network is a relatively new technology. It’s a platform that delivers a variety of TV programming (that you can control), combined with the ability to message to your patients. Your messaging can take many forms; from your own videos and commercials to “digital signage” imagery, and programmable text on the screen. The Custom TV Network, pioneered by companies like It’s Relevant TV, keep television on the television, combine it will messaging, and provides ample control to the medical practice.

#2 Medical Information TV / Digital Signage

Medical Information TV provides a limited library of medical content, typically geared at medical specialties. At first glance these services, including ViewMedica, seem like a great match for a medical waiting room, but a closer examination of patient feedback shows that the content could use a boost. The goal of these services is to “educate your patients”, but if your patients aren’t engaged enough to watch the TV it’s really had to get that done.

The videos play on loop and can get very repetitive for patients sitting in front of them for any length of time. For this reason patients tend to “tune out” fairly quickly. They’d rather browse social media on their phones than watch a TV filled with only medical content and advertising for the practice.

Medical Information TV providers typically charge for access to videos and may charge extra per video you want to use. Some providers place pharmaceutical ads on your television that may become a source of added stress or anxiety for your patients.

#3 Cable Television

Cable TV is the service most often used in medical environments across the U.S. Cable lacks the ability to control anything other than choosing the channel you are on in any given moment. Competitive advertisements, inappropriate content and more can come across a cable TV broadcast. And short of advertising on cable, you can’t put your own messaging on the TV.

Best ViewMedica Alternative

While ViewMedica’s library of medical videos on demand is very much appreciated by doctors and specialists, you can do better than ViewMedica’s VM Cast service in your waiting room. Playing a small selection of medical videos that may not be relevant to your patients, over and over as they wait is a surefire way to lower patient satisfaction. Instead we recommend a custom television solution like It’s Relevant TV. Keeping the content relevant is crucially important for better visitor experience and online reviews.

Utilizing ViewMedica in the exam room, on a tablet for instance, is a great way to have videos on demand to show your patients. But it’s just not as good of a fit for the waiting room.

It’s much wiser to use a service that focuses solely on waiting room TV to provide the best patient experience, instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Relevance is key to keep engagement high. Check out It’s Relevant TV and for truly relevant solutions for medical waiting room environments.

The Best Kids Content For Waiting Rooms | It’s Relevant TV

Kids content for your waiting room TV can be tricky to find; but it’s the most effective first step you can take towards creating the best possible experience for your younger patients. If you’re a pediatric doctor, or dentist, you don’t need to be told that your medical office is the LAST place these kids want to be; putting something on the TV that’s intended for them can be a big stress-reducer for nervous children. This article is all about how the right TV technology can entertain and even educate the kids in your waiting room.

Fun & Entertaing Kids Content for your Waiting Room TV

Browsing for kids content is hard. It’s made even more difficult when kids under the age of 7 have very different interests compared to kids over 7. There aren’t a lot of options out there for pediatric offices who want to license children’s content; licensing is the key word here. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, licensing refers to the rights and permissions to use a piece/collection of media in your business.

Think twice about playing videos off of YouTube!

It’s NOT legal; unless you have permission from the creator of the content. There are other reasons why you don’t want to stream YouTube in your waiting room, which you can read in this article. Legality aside, it’s also about control; YouTube just isn’t built with a worry-free “set-it-and-forget-it” mentality.

That’s where a custom TV network comes in handy.

A Custom TV network can be a safe and reliable alternative to cable, DVDs, and looping playlists. You can try Googling “custom TV networks for medical offices,” or take our advice and check out for the most well put together system. It’s Relevant is feature-rich, and users have complete access to a library of over half-a-million videos. More importantly, It’s Relevant TV has kids content; separated into kids 7-under and kids 7+, It’s Relevant gives you greater control over what shows up on your TV.

Educational Kids Content for your Waiting Room TV

Fun and entertaining videos are good, but educational content is even better. It’s Relevant TV’s kids content is a mixed bag, which is great no matter which way you look at it. Whether it’s fun facts and trivia, heathy habits, or new ways to be creative and stay active; IRTV delivers good, quality, licensed content that’s perfect for a pediatric waiting room.

Related article for medical waiting rooms beyond kids: Tips on the Best Patient Education Videos for your Waiting Room TV

When it comes to educating kids on specific information; well-being, oral health, etc, It’s Relevant empowers users with the ability to upload your own custom messaging. Did you ever create videos in the past featuring your brand? Maybe a commercial? Or videos highlighting your staff? You can put those videos to good use with It’s Relevant TV. The technology allows you to upload videos and images for everyone to see. There’s no better way to communicate with your visitors.

Want to know more about Custom TV Networks?

Every medical office is a little different, but every one can benefit from a custom TV network. Set up a demo with the TV experts at if you have any questions about the technology.

How To Improve The Patient Waiting Room Experience

Do you want to improve patient wating room experience?

You might have tried new furniture, relaxing music, or maybe even something for the kids; all of these are great, and effective in their own way, but the MOST effective way to improve patient experience is through the TV.

9 out of 10 waiting areas have a TV.
If you’re one of those nine, this article is for you. If you’re the 1 in 10 that doesn’t have a TV, definitely consider getting one; a good, rightly-sized television for your wall costs a lot less than you might think — but beware of anything saying FREE TV FOR MEDICAL OFFICES.

How Does TV Improve Patient Waiting Room Experience?

It doesn’t — not on its own. You need the right technology to truly improve patient experience; cable and satellite TV just isn’t enough. In fact, traditional TV services actually do more harm than good. The list of reasons why it’s a bad idea is too long for this article, however you can read about the top 3 reasons here. It all boils down to a custom TV network being the wiser, more strategic choice when it comes to waiting room television.

Did You Know? Hospitals, urgent cares, and dentists are steadily moving away from cable in favor of custom TV networks.

Custom TV software that’s specifically designed for waiting areas are built with your visitors, and your brand, at heart; whereas cable and satellite was only ever built for the home setting. It isn’t, and was never, a fit for medical offices. What makes custom television work so well are the features that come with it. Features such as entertaining content, games & trivia, and educational programming do wonders to improve the patient waiting room experience.

What can a Custom TV Network do for your Medical Office?

Custom TV networks go above and beyond delivering fun and interesting content to your visitors; it’s a safe and effective way to communicate with your patients. Customizable TV programming can be made to split the screen into content + side messaging — where visitors will anything you upload from ads promoting services, to important reminders.

Custom TV networks are a great way to gently remind visitors to wash their hands and practice social distancing!

This is an effective strategy because people are naturally drawn to the TV. If you put a different message on a big sign, a poster, and a TV — you can bet that most people would be able to tell you what was on the television. TVs are engaging, and guaranteed to get noticed. More importantly, when you mix your messaging with videos that are entertaining, viewers are going to be a lot more receptive to what you have to say in addition to creating a better patient waiting room experience.

Getting Started with your Custom TV Network

The more you know, the better — that goes for just about everything, and double for custom TV networks. The best advice when it comes to shopping is to AVOID anything that claims to be “FREE TV FOR WAITING ROOMS.” If you’d like to know why you should avoid these services, you can read all about the top five reasons here. You should also be careful about signing lengthy contracts. Not all contracts are bad, but you should always know exactly what you’re getting; it’s hard, if not impossible to back out of most contracts.

It’s Relevant TV is the best place to start if you’re new, or serious about improving the patient waiting room experience at your medical office. Chat with the TV experts at if you have any specific questions, or call and schedule a meeting with them for a closer look at the technology itself. Finding the right TV for your waiting area doesn’t have to be complicated; take your time, do your research, and talk to whomever you can about features.

Below are some additional articles that might help your search for a custom TV network:

What Makes the Best Waiting Room TV Software the Best?

Top 3 Waiting Room TV Services for Medical Offices

Top 5 Features to Look for in Medical Waiting Room TV Software

Top Free TV Service for Medical Waiting Rooms and Lobbies

Browsing the internet for a free TV service for your waiting room? The leader in patient-focused TV has recently announced a new subscription plan that’s available to all medical offices. Whether you’re a hospital, urgent care, doctor, dentist, or medical specialist; the sponsor-supported subscription option allows you to utilize the premium service, but without incurring the cost.

A “Free” TV Service Vs. It’s Relevant TV’s Sponsor-Supported Service

free TV service is exactly what it sounds like on the surface. It’s a TV service with no cost, which you pay nothing for– at least insofar that you’re not spending any “money” for it; but that doesn’t mean it’s not costing your medical office something else.

Read: Top 5 Reasons a “Free” TV Service for your Waiting Room is Bad for your Medical Office.

TV providers who offer that kind of “free waiting room television” are only able to do so because their services are actually paid for by pharmaceutical ad support. You might be paying $0 for the service, but you get what you pay for in this case– likely generating $0 for your own practice from it. Instead, the revenue generation is completely taken by that provider. What’s worse, you’re left with TV that you have little control over, and may upset your patients.

While you are not paying any money out of pocket for that kind of service, it could be costing you money, and your patients’ trust. It goes against the spirit of creating a good patient experience when you allow your visitors to be subject to ads which might make them feel like they have X symptoms, or need Y drugs.

Best practice: Avoid TV services that put anything medical-related on the TV that you don’t endorse yourself.

Patients don’t need to be bombarded with drug ads, and pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be invading and monetizing your waiting room. If someone should be generating revenue off of your TV, it’s you!

It’s Relevant TV: A No-Cost Waiting Room TV Service for Medical Offices

Let’s compare the traditional “free TV service” described above to It’s Relevant TV’s sponsor-supported service. Instead of your service provider profiting off of your waiting room TV, you do. It’s Relevant’s unique approach is for a sponsor, of your choosing, to pay the cost of your subscription in exchange for having their brand on the TV.

It’s a great way to strengthen relationships with local businesses.

This way, you’re in control; you control who, and what, shows up on your TV.Sponsor-supported subscribers don’t miss out on any of IRTV’s premium content. Over +1,000,000 minutes of fun and interesting content is available for your visitors to enjoy, coupled with the ability to promote your services in a more meaningful way. This allows you to generate positive feelings among patients, and more revenue on the side to improve your medical office.

Visit: It’s Relevant TV: Medical Custom Networks to learn more.

Top 3 Steps to Remove Bad Reviews From Yelp and Google

Bad reviews hit businesses hard. Having a bad review, or a one-star rating, show up whenever new or even repeat customers search for your business might as well be a big sign that says: “DON’T COME HERE.”

Often times that’s EXACTLY what it says.

While there’s no way to easily delete a negative review that’s impacting your business, there are ways of getting around them. You want to avoid these kinds of reviews, and generate new positive reviews instead. There is great technology out there to encourage exactly this.

Step 1: Finding the Bad Reviews

Before you can act on negative feedback, you have to find it first. Knowing where people are posting about their experiences in general is the best place to start. Whether you own a restaurant, an urgent care, a dentist office, or car dealership; if one of your visitors has a bad experience- i.e., one so bad that they feel compelled to leave a negative review. Chances are that review can be found on Google. Other popular review sites include: Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Citysearch. Look up your business on each one of these sites, if you haven’t already, and see what people are saying.

Step 2: Addressing the Bad Reviews

A good practice for any business owner is to dedicate a member of your staff to finding any negative reviews that might be out there. Most review sites have the option of commenting on someone’s post. If you’re able, address it ASAP! Remember- it’s important to be as polite, understanding, and considerate as possible with your feedback. The original poster might never see it, but you can bet others will. And your response is more for everyone else, than it is for the person making the complaint in the first place.

Responding to Comments Makes a Difference

Seeing your responsiveness goes a long way towards those viewers giving your business a chance in spite of a bad review. In some cases, your responsiveness is more important to people than whatever misstep you, or your staff, might have made in the first place. Responding to feedback is a quick and easy way to fix things.

On rare occasions. you may be able to get a once-frustrated-customer to change or remove a negative review entirely.

Yelp SC4
What you put on the TV is important!

In addition to being aware of these reviews, you need to address the concerns in a way that prevents people from having negative experiences in the first place. The most common negative reviews we’ve observed, in no particular order, are; visitors complaining about loud TVs, the [political] newslong wait timesrude staff, and shabby waiting areas. Fortunately, most of these problems can be resolved fairly easily.

Yelp SC6
It’s not always about the food.

If visitors complain about what’s  playing on the TV, consider a business-friendly cable replacement, or a custom TV network. When a visitor says that a member of your staff was rude, address the complaint and work with your staff. If you receive complaints about the cleanliness of your space, or other environmental issues, check out this article about the Top 10 Secrets for Creating the Best Waiting Room.

Step 3: Give Visitors a way to Leave You Feedback Directly

Giving your visitors a way to leave feedback is one of the best ways to prevent negative reviews from showing up on sites like Yelp and Google. Plenty of complaints are simple enough that they can be resolved on-the-spot if your visitors can be empowered to say something while they’re there.

How you go about this is up to you. Whether it’s a box, a billboard, or an email they can address specifically, you can’t go wrong. Some businesses even provide a telephone number customers can send a text message to in order to voice their opinions. However, more important than the “how,” is getting your visitors to know that they can come to you directly if they have a complaint, or grievance. Your TV can help.

One of the best ways to encourage on-site feedback is through messages on your TV. Consider investing in waiting room technology that allows you to customize what’s on your business’ television. We recommend visiting as a great place to start. By being proactive with your environment and publicly asking for customer opinions directly, you will be able to address the bad reviews before they ever hit the sites, and encourage the posting of positive ones.

Top 5 Features You Need for the Best Medical Waiting Room TV

Shopping for the best waiting room TV service for your hospital, urgent care, or dentist office? This article lists the top 5 features any good waiting room TV experience should come with. However, if you’re short on time like many people in the healthcare industry and want to jump right into exploring options; we suggest you explore this full-featured option.

#1: The Best Waiting Room TV Service has the Best Content

Quality content is where most custom TV solutions fall flat. Cable TV has a plethora of channel choices, without great ways to control what actually plays (or doesn’t play) on your TV. Technology companies that provide a box and access to a small library of content have the opposite issue, only having access to a very limited set of content that continually repeats.

Throw a dart at a board covered in custom TV providers; 9 times out of 10 you’ll hit one that exclusively plays medical content. Or just as bad, one that likes to pretend they’re partners with major TV networks because they have the licensing rights to a few clips of popular talkshows. Those clips are thinly veiled advertisements to get viewers to watch the real shows when they get home, and don’t serve to do much for them while they are in your space. It isn’t proper waiting room entertainment, and neither are medical videos that go into graphic detail.

Visitors want to see videos that are fun and entertaining. Playlistslooping videos, and purely medical-related simply don’t cut it; not if your goal is to provide the most-comfortable patient experience possible. The best waiting room TV service is one that:

  1.  Comes with a large library of content
  2.  Doesn’t loop
  3.  Isn’t exclusively medical-related
  4.  Is full of rich, meaningful content your patients will enjoy watching.

#2: Customization

Whether you’re a hospital, urgent care, or dentist; your brand is unique, and so your waiting room TV ought to reflect that as well. The best waiting rooms services are tailored to your brand, and give you the ability to upload your own personal videos, and messaging, to be featured alongside the provided content.

A good custom TV network also lets you pick and choose what kinds of content shows up on your TV. It should allow users to block or remove videos that you or your visitors feel are unsettling, inappropriate, or not up to your office’s standards.

When you’re in control of your TV you’re able to make it all about your brand, get more milage out of your personal videos, and better act on visitor feeback.

#3: Easy-To-Use System

Managing a custom TV network can be a headache, that’s why finding a streaming TV service with an easy-to-use management system is important. Uploading a video or image shouldn’t be harder than clicking a button and uploading it. Likewise, selecting which videos to turn on/off should be as easy as selecting the video or category, and switching it on/off.

As simple as that sounds, you’d be surprised how many management systems are needlessly complicated, or require a computer science degree to navigate. These services are no good. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know for sure if the TV software you’re looking at will come with an easy-to-use system until you’re using it. Do yourself a favor and schedule a demo with whichever provider you’re considering, and ask questions about their management tools. Make sure you feel confident in your ability to use the system.

The mark of a good TV provider is one that will take the time to walk you through their service, so don’t hesitate to ask for a meeting.

#4: Social Media Integration

A rare gem of a feature. A waiting room TV service with the ability to integrate posts from your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts directly to your TV is harder to come by.It’s a powerful, worthwhile feature for those whose medical offices are active on social media– generating everything from social media followers, to repeat visits.

Don’t be fooled by TV software providers that boast this feature in the form of uploading screenshots of your social media pages to your TV. This is NOT social media integration. Or others that will interrupt TV programming to show your social media posts. There is nothing worse for your message than getting in between them and something they are engaged with.

Real social media integration is placed thoughtfully, shown in real-time, automatic, and safe; only drawing your most-recent posts, and only those posted by your staff, or social media manager.

If this feature piqued your interest, we recommend you checking out Social Media TV, which features live social media integration the way it’s meant to work.

#5: Strategy & Support

One might think that it goes without saying that a provider of any service should come with helpful strategies and customer support. Unfortunately, the world isn’t quite there yet.  There are so many technology companies that are coming up with TV solutions, but they neglect to provide their clients with the strategy and support needed to truly be successful.

When researching potential candidates for your waiting room TV service, be sure to understand their support structures; not only for any technical questions that may arise during use, but for strategic assistance in getting the most out of the platform you select.

So what does quality customer support look like? TV software providers that go the extra mile assign dedicated customer support managers to individual clients. It’s always easier to reach out to a person that knows your account as opposed to calling an 800 number or filling out an online support form. You want to aim to have a dedicated customer support representative who knows you, knows your brand, and is familiar with the goals of your practice.

The Best Marketing Tool For 2020: Your TV

Looking for the best marketing tool for the new year? Want to make your marketing dollars count? Whether you’re a big franchisee with multiple locations, or a small business owner with a humble brand; your own television can be the key to unlocking your 2020 marketing potential. To fully appreciate the best marketing tool for the upcoming year, you need to take a closer look at the TV in your waiting room.

A Closer Look at Waiting Room Television

Take a moment to think of your lobby or waiting room. Think about what’s currently on TV there. Now think about who’s watching it, and for how long. Finally, how much does it cost? -and how much revenue is it generating for your business?

Bonus Question: How many competitor ads are your visitors seeing?

These are the important things to consider; not just for your business’ television, but for your business as a whole. Here’s why:

1.) What’s Playing on your TV?: What you decide to put on your TV leaves an impression on your visitors. Many business owners like to default to the news – however the news can be graphic, unsettling, and a bit too political nowadays. It simply isn’t a fit for any waiting room. Also worth noting is that a popular TV solution for waiting rooms are DVDs, or Netflix in their locations as a cost-effective alternative to the drama of news, or the boringness of cable. This would be great- if it weren’t for the fact that playing Netflix or DVDs in a commercial setting is illegal. You can read more about the specifics in this article, but the message is clear; understand the Terms & Conditions of your TV subscriptions!

2.) Who’s Watching / How Long?: The answer varies from business-to-business. “The Who” matters because you want programming on the TV that your visitors will appreciate. Likewise, “How Long” matters because you don’t want your visitors exposed to something they don’t like if they’re waiting for a long period of time. Above all else; avoid looping playlists and displays. Nothing says “I’ve been waiting forever.” like knowing which videos are coming up next in a playlist.

3.) How much does it Cost / What is it doing for your Business?: The importance of affordability and cost-effectiveness doesn’t have to be stated. However the latter part of this point raises an interesting question; “What is the TV in your waiting room doing for your business?” Simply put, your TV should be serving your brand. All the money that goes into paying for cable or satellite TV each month could be spent towards a custom TV network. One that potentially costs less, is more effective at delivering your messaging, and is better at engaging visitors.

It’s Relevant TV: The Best Marketing Tool for 2020

It’s Relevant TV is a cost-effective programming tool for businesses looking to improve visitor experience, find new ways to deliver important messages, and generate more followers on social media. IRTV accomplishes this through carefully curating content from its library of customizable, short-form programs that people genuinely enjoy watching- packaged alongside a free rotating adspace, and active social media integration.

There’s no better, more cost-effective way to promote your services, get people excited about your brand, and grow your business. Hit the ground running for 2020 and visit to learn more about this year’s most powerful marketing tool.

Kid-Friendly Waiting Room TV: The Best TV For Young Patients

Are you a doctor’s office, urgent care, or dentist looking for kid-friendly waiting room TV ideas? This article is for you.

Kid-friendly is really the key. It’s easy to find waiting room TV solutions that offer basic programming, but that’s not what you’re here for. You’re here because you’re looking for the best TV experience for your young patients.

The Best Kid-Friendly TV for Doctors & Dentists

It’s Relevant TV is the go-to for doctors and dentists looking to put kid-friendly content on their waiting room TVs. Safe and friendly, It’s Relevant’s kid’s content is split into two categories; Kids Under 7, and Kids 7-and-Up. This is especially convenient if your waiting room has multiple TVs, or has multiple rooms for different age groups.

As for the content itself, It’s Relevant delivers a variety of videos that range from fun and interesting, to educational; sometimes all three! Whether it’s puppets, cartoons, toy reviews, or games and trivia – IRTV provides a variety of quality children’s content. You can see samples of the kids programming on the It’s Relevant TV official site.

It’s Relevant TV is more than Kid-Friendly Waiting Room TV

Wherever there are children, adults usually aren’t far behind. When your patients are primarily children and young teens, never forget who’s bringing them to their appointments: Adults!

Adults spend the same amount of time, if not longer, in your waiting room; so finding a solution that keeps parents in mind is important, but often overlooked.

Depending on your waiting room’s setup – It’s Relevant TV can help deliver enjoyable content, important messaging, or both, to your older visitors. Kid-friendly TV is just the tip of the IRTV iceberg. The service fully-includes an additional 40+ categories that are geared towards a general audience; all of which, like the children’s categories, can be turned on/off at your convenience depending on who’s watching.

Do you have multiple TVs in your waiting room? Perfect! You can dedicate one of those TVs to general content; meanwhile another other TV can be tuned to another custom channel that is suited for kids, keeping them occupied and entertained while they wait to be seen.

Do you have a single TV? No problem! You can still communicate important reminders and marketing messages to adults-in-waiting through It’s Relevant’s free side adspace. You can also connect with visitors through personal videos, and social media posts which can be integrated seamlessly into the system and displayed directly on the TV- even if the primary content is kid-focused.

It’s Relevant TV: The Best Waiting Room TV Experience

Kid-friendly waiting room TV is hard to find; even harder is to find one that caters to adults as well. If you’re looking for a cost-effective set-it-and-forget-it TV solution that you can trust to play safe, interesting content for your visitors, start your search with It’s Relevant TV. Visit the official website, or schedule a demo to learn more about the best waiting room practices; because many of the best waiting room experiences come from having the best waiting room TV programming.

For more useful hints on how to make your waiting room shine; check out “Top 10 Secrets for Creating the Best Waiting Room.”

Dental Waiting Room TV: The Best Content For Your Patients

The key to a great dental waiting room TV is the content. Whether it’s patient education videos, or content that’s more homey, it’s the quality that counts. This article highlights some of the “Shoulds,” and “Should NOTs,” to consider when choosing the best content for your patients.

Dental Waiting Room TV: “The Shoulds”

1.) Your TV Should be there for your Patients’ Comfort: First and foremost, you want your patients to feel comfortable in your waiting room. Compared to other practices, dental offices tend to stand out as the most-stressful, and most anxiety-inducing; across all ages. The last thing you want is the TV making things worse. Put something on the TV that your patients will enjoy.

2.) Your TV’s Content Should be Entertaining AND Educational: As a dentist, getting your message across is important. Whether that message is promoting the importance of brushing twice daily, or reminding patients to schedule routine-cleanings; equally as important is balancing those messages with content that visitors will find personally enjoyable. Which, in the end, is proven to help the educational messages go down easier.

3.) Your TV Should Communicate with your Patients: Videos that feature your office, staff, or community, are a great and friendly way to connect with your patients. Having a TV gives you the power to communicate. Use this power to greet patients-in-waiting, create a more welcoming environment, or even get more followers on social media!

Dental Waiting Room TV: “The Should NOT’s”

1.) Your TV’s Content Should NOT be Strictly Dental-Related: Content that is medical-related is only good in small doses. Unless you’re a dentist, you really don’t find dental-related things very interesting. This idea that dentist offices must have dental, or tooth-related things playing on the TV is a dangerous mindset. It can be a big put off for patients.

Dental TV services that provide only dental-related videos are experts at spinning them in a positive light- and, as dentists, it’s easy to get excited about it. However, your patients are NOT as enthusiastic about seeing teeth, technology, and dental procedures as you are. Many visitors will be turned off, or even anxious about the prospect of being trapped in a room with a TV telling them that they might have cavities, or gingivitis.

2.) Your TV’s Content Should NOT be Gross or Unsettling: However well-intentioned your videos of rotting teeth, bloody gums, or bad breath are- they’re simply not doing your office any favors. Patient comfort comes first; leave the gross, graphic, and nightmare-fueled imagery to the voluntarily-read pamphlets and brochures and online videos. People that are interested enough will search out the gory details. But you can spare the rest of your patients the displeasure.

3.) Your TV’s Content Should NOT be a Looping Playlist: Looping playlists are just a bad idea in general. Nothing says “I’ve been waiting forever” like knowing which video is coming up next. A lot of times providers utilize playlists because they simply don’t have a large enough library of content. Quality is important, but so is quantity when it comes to not seeing the same thing over and over again.

The Best Dental Waiting Room TV: Where to Start Looking

Knowing the Shoulds and Should NOT’s of dental TV is a good start in terms of “what” to look for in a TV solution; “where” to find the right provider is the next step. A simple google search is one’s best friend, however you’ll have to sift through the riff-raff of dental-only services for the needle in the haystack.

For the best in quality content that patients truly enjoy watching, start your search with It’s Relevant TV. It’s Relevant features one of the world’s largest libraries of short-form licensed content; no playlists. It’s a cost-effective, easy-to-use TV service that dentists- big and small, are using to improve patient experience, promote their brands, and connect more with their visitors.