Top 5 Reasons Businesses Choose It’s Relevant TV for Their Televisions

In today’s competitive market, businesses are always looking for innovative ways to engage customers and make their brands stand out. One powerful tool many businesses are turning to is It’s Relevant TV (IRTV), a customizable television solution that goes beyond traditional TV programming and digital signage. Here are the top five reasons why businesses choose It’s Relevant TV for their televisions:

1. Customized Content for Enhanced Customer Engagement

It’s Relevant TV offers businesses the ability to display tailored content that captivates and engages their customers. Unlike standard cable or satellite TV, which broadcasts generic programming, It’s Relevant TV allows businesses to choose content that aligns with their brand and audience preferences. This personalization keeps customers entertained and engaged while they wait, leading to a more enjoyable experience.


  • Relevant Programming: Content is curated to reflect the interests of your visitors. You pick the categories of content you think they will enjoy and IRTV does the rest.
  • Brand Alignment: Showcases content that complements your business’s values and goals, and frame it all within your logo and brand design.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Enhances their experience, keeping customers entertained and happy.

Example: A dental clinic can stream educational videos about oral health, mixed with entertaining clips, making the wait time both informative and enjoyable for patients.

2. Advertising and Promotional Opportunities

One of the standout features of It’s Relevant TV is the ability to seamlessly integrate your own advertisements and promotions into the content. This means businesses can promote their services, special offers, or upcoming events directly on their TVs, reaching visitors at the point of decision.


  • Targeted Advertising: Display ads and promotions specifically for your local audience.
  • Increased Sales: Promote products and services that can drive immediate purchases.
  • Repeat Visits: Give people a reason to return to your location.

Example: A restaurant can advertise daily specials or upcoming events during the video playback, encouraging customers to take advantage of promotions while they dine, and come back in the future to enjoy something special you have planned and promoted.

3. Dynamic and Fresh Content

Keeping content fresh is crucial to maintaining viewer interest. It’s Relevant TV provides a continuous stream of dynamic content that updates regularly, ensuring that customers see something new every visit. This variety keeps the programming exciting and prevents the content from becoming stale.


  • Continuous Updates: Regularly refreshed content keeps viewers engaged.
  • Diverse Programming: A wide range of topics and genres caters to various interests.
  • No Loop: Maintains customer interest with ever-changing content that does not suffer from a repetitive loop.

Example: A car dealership can stream automotive news, industry trends, and entertaining videos, keeping customers engaged and informed while they wait. And even if a customer is in front of the TV for hours while they wait for a repair, they are seeing new content constantly.

4. Easy Integration and Management

It’s Relevant TV is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for businesses to integrate and manage their television content. The platform allows for simple setup and intuitive controls, enabling businesses to update and manage their content without needing technical expertise.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and operate, minimizing the learning curve.
  • Flexible Control: Allows for quick updates and changes to the programming and promotions from anywhere.
  • No Technical Hassle: Streamlined integration with top streaming boxes including Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV.

Example: A retail store can effortlessly update their content to showcase seasonal promotions and new arrivals just by logging in on a storekeeper’s phone. In just a few second they can upload a new promotion to keep their TV displays relevant and engaging.

5. Affordable Solution with High ROI

Investing in It’s Relevant TV provides businesses with a cost-effective solution that delivers a high return on investment (ROI). By enhancing the customer experience and providing a platform for in-house advertising, businesses can maximize the impact of their TV screens without incurring significant costs.


  • Cost-Effective: Lower costs compared to TV subscriptions + traditional advertising.
  • High ROI: Boosts customer engagement and in-store sales, providing a strong return on investment.
  • Value Addition: Adds value to the customer experience, fostering loyalty and repeat visits.

Example: A gym can use It’s Relevant TV to entertain members with fitness tips and motivational content, while promoting membership referral deals and new classes, thereby increasing member retention and sales.

It’s Relevant TV is more than just a TV solution; it’s a strategic tool that enhances customer engagement, promotes products and services, and delivers dynamic, customizable content. Businesses across various industries choose It’s Relevant TV to transform their in-store televisions into powerful communication platforms that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

If the service interests you, it’s easy to schedule a demo of It’s Relevant TV and explore all of the features and benefits over a Zoom call.

Why Atmosphere TV May Not Have Your Business’s Best Interests at Heart

As a business owner, creating a pleasant and engaging environment for your customers is paramount. Enter Atmosphere TV, a company that offers curated TV content designed to enhance customer experience in various settings like bars, restaurants, gyms, and waiting rooms. However, despite its appealing facade, Atmosphere TV’s business model reveals some underlying concerns that may not align with the best interests of hosting businesses.

The Business Model: “Free” TV

Atmosphere TV operates on a model that relies on advertising revenue. The service offers businesses free access to its content in exchange for displaying ads to their customers. Here’s a closer look at how this model works:

1. Free Content for Businesses

Atmosphere TV provides its service to businesses at no cost. This includes limited channels with content ranging from sports highlights to viral videos and lifestyle shows, all curated to keep viewers entertained.

2. Ad-Supported Revenue

The catch, however, is that the content is interspersed with advertisements. These ads are not random; they are specifically targeted based on the type of business and its customer demographics.

3. Advertisers Foot the Bill

The primary source of revenue for Atmosphere TV comes from these advertisers. Companies pay Atmosphere TV to place their ads in front of the viewers in these business establishments.

While this model ensures that businesses receive engaging content for free, it raises several concerns about whether Atmosphere TV prioritizes the interests of these businesses.

Concerns About Atmosphere TV

1. Customer Experience vs. Advertising Intrusion: The primary goal for most businesses using TV services is to enhance the customer experience. However, frequent interruptions by ads can disrupt the viewing experience. The ads inserted by Atmosphere TV might annoy customers, leading to a negative perception of the business using their service.

2. Lack of Control Over Content: Businesses have limited control over the ads shown to their customers. This lack of control means that the advertisements may not always align with the values or branding of the business. For example, a family-friendly restaurant may not appreciate ads for products or services that don’t align with their image or mention a competing brand.

3. Hidden Costs: While the service itself is free, the cost that ranges from missed marketing opportunities to the potential customer dissatisfaction. Businesses must weigh the trade-off between saving money on TV content and possibly alienating customers with unwanted content and advertisements.

4. Ad Revenue Prioritization: Because Atmosphere TV’s primary revenue source is advertising, there is a strong incentive for the company to prioritize the interests of advertisers over the businesses hosting their service. This can lead to a gradual increase in ad frequency and ad types that pay them more money, further detracting from the hosting business’ customer experience.

5. Limited Content Options: Because Atmosphere TV is footing the bill for the content they provide to businesses, they are likely to prioritize playback of content that will cost them less to display. They are also less likely to purchase new content if they can get away with playing older, less relevant, content at a lesser cost. This can leave businesses with looping video playlists that repeat often and end up being a bother to customers and staff.

Top Alternatives to Atmosphere TV

Business owners looking to provide quality entertainment without compromising customer satisfaction should consider alternative non-cable solutions:

1. Custom TV Services: Services from leaders in custom TV like It’s Relevant TV, offer a customizable experience tailored specifically for businesses. It’s Relevant TV provides a mix of content and advertising options that align with the business’s branding and customer demographics. This service also ensures compliance with public performance licensing requirements, eliminating legal concerns associated with using personal streaming services like Netflix.

2. In-House Content Curation: Some businesses may benefit from creating their own content loops. This could include a mix of branded content, customer highlights, and non-commercial entertainment, ensuring full control over what is displayed. If you don’t have hours of your own content you can combine what you have with network tv content by using services like RELE.TV.

3. Digital Signage Solutions: Businesses can also explore digital signage solutions that allow for custom content curation. This includes promotional materials, local news, weather updates, and more, without the intrusion of third-party advertisements. This option does tend to lack in engaging TV content people typically enjoy watching, so sticking with a custom tv service might be a better option.

“You Get What You Pay For”

While Atmosphere TV offers an enticing free service, its ad-supported business model may not always align with the best interests of the hosting businesses. Just remember, if you aren’t paying anything, you may not be getting much– or worse, you might actually be losing something. The potential for customer dissatisfaction, lack of content control, and lost opportunities to promote your own business the way you want, are significant drawbacks. Business owners must critically evaluate whether the minor savings justify the possible major impact on their customer experience and brand image.

Exploring alternative entertainment solutions that comply with licensing requirements, solely exist to support your brand, and offer customizable content may ultimately better serve the interests of both your business and your customers.

Branded TV Like Gas Stations Have

Have you seen the TVs above the pump at your local gas station? Wonder how that unique quick-hitting network came to be?

Digital Signage at The Pump

Gas stations utilize custom TV software to deliver programming and digital signage to customers as they wait. Whether you have a gas station, retail store, restaurant, car dealership or office, you too can benefit from having a customized TV network in your business.

While most of the gas station tv networks are owned by closed groups and ad-supported, you can create your own TV network and generate additional revenue for your own business by using custom tv platforms like It’s Relevant TV.

Longer Short-Form Content

If your customers are in your business for more than a minute or two, you’re going to want content that’s longer than what you typically see on Gas Station TV Platforms. Most gas stations have content ranging from 10-30 seconds in length, and often repeat their content every few minutes. Businesses benefit more from displaying content that is longer, and that doesn’t repeat so often.

Create Your Own Ad Network

Once you have a custom TV network in place at your business you can take full advantage of it by forming your own ad network. TV networks, billboard companies, newspapers and more have made a fortune off of ads they’ve sold over the years. So why not you? You can use the same principles that television networks have used for years to generate additional revenue for your business regardless of what industry you are in. With something like It’s Relevant TV or Rele.TV you can make your own Ad Network and keep all of the profits!

Retail Digital Signage: What Can You Do With The TV In Your Store?

As technology grows, more and more business owners are exploring their options when it comes to retail digital signage. Nowadays, it isn’t uncommon to see TVs in clothing stores, furniture outlets, and shopping centers; wherever people tend to gather, you can usually count on a TV screen being close by — that’s because TVs are eye-catching, and strangely comforting. Forward-thinking business owners using that to their advantage and building retail TV networks for their stores. This article takes a closer look at the technology that is taking retail digital signage to a whole new level.

Retail Digital Signage: How Effective is it?

The average adult is believed to watch about 4 hours of TV a day. That’s a lot of screen time. But because of that, human beings are naturally drawn to colorful, moving, or otherwise animated displays. Often when we see a TV, our guard is lowered — if only for the sake of seeing what’s on, and choosing whether or not to keep watching. Unlike banners or traditional paper signage, digital signage is bold and inviting. People notice it more, for obvious reasons, and all it takes is a properly-placed TV to host it.

How do you Get Customers to Engage with What’s on Your TV?

Getting customers to notice the TV and watch the TV are two very different things. That brief window of opportunity when they notice the TV and are choosing whether or not to keep watching is the golden moment. What determines their choice usually relies on a few factors:

1.) What’s on the TV? Obviously, this is the most important part. “Digital signage” users tend to just show ads that showcase sales, or reminders for customers to sign up for X or become a member of Y. This is smart, and it’s a great way to utilize the TV, but if all you’re showing is JUST marketing messages, your customers will see it as “just another ad” and tune it out. However, the solution to this is easy; instead of using digital signage, create a custom TV network. A custom TV network will mix in fun and entertaining videos with your marketing messages and your customers will be MUCH more receptive to your ads.

2.) Where is the TV on display? Second to what’s on the TV is where you choose to put it. Is it hanging on a crossroads pillar between sections? Is it part of a living room set acting as the TV? Or is it above the checkout for customers to see while waiting in line? All of these are great. You want it to be in a place that customers can consume what they are watching for more than a few seconds before feeling they are obligated to move.

3.) How are your customers feeling? This one is slightly more difficult to account for, but what’s going on inside a customer’s head plays a big part in whether or not they’re receptive to your messaging. Are they upset? Annoyed? Or bored? A captive audience doesn’t mean that they’re appreciative of your ads. Echoing point #1, mixing in content that might uplift a customer’s mood or alleviate their boredom can go a long way towards improving visitor experience, which improves your chance of making an extra sale.

The Best way to Utilize Retail Digital Signage

You might have gathered that the best way to use retail digital signage is by combining your marketing messages with content that your customers will enjoy watching. Not just any content; you want content that is fun, interesting, and not-necessarily related to your brand, but will put your visitors in a purchasing mindset. Ideally, you also want that content to be on the short-side, since your customers are mostly lingering and waiting. You want videos that anyone can start/stop watching at any time, and are short enough that people are more likely to see something that interests them.

Shorter Videos = More Variety.

Accomplishing this through retail digital signage alone is nearly impossible, that’s where a retail TV network comes in handy. A retail TV network combines the best aspects of digital signage + television; bringing them together in a unique and effective way. Imagine your digital signage board being part ad, and part TV; with occasional ads playing in between or next to engaging videos. That’s how It’s Relevant TV approaches retail TV networks.

The Best Retail TV Network is It’s Relevant TV

It’s Relevant TV licenses over half-a-million short-form videos spread across 40+ customer-favorite categories. As a store owner, you don’t need to being anything to the table except for your own goals and aspirations. It’s Relevant TV allows you to easily create marketing messages — which you can upload into the system and have play alongside countless entertaining videos. The technology is fully-automated, meaning that you can set-it and forget-it knowing that your TVs are delivering a mix of ads + interesting content. Additionally, It’s Relevant can be used to promote your social media, or barter ad space to other local businesses in order to generate even more revenue.

IRTV is the most feature-rich custom TV network on the market. Chat with the television experts at and get an online Zoom demo to learn more.

Can I Play YouTube Videos In My Medical Office?

Can you play YouTube videos on your waiting room TV?

The short answer is no, not unless they’re Youtube videos you created and own the rights to all of the elements of. The reason you can’t play someone else’s videos in your medical office is because of video licensing. Video licensing prohibits playing any videos in a business without expressed permission. That cool YouTube series that’s fun, family friendly, and seems 100% perfect for your waiting room? No dice — it isn’t legal to play those on your TV without the creator’s say-so. No matter how much visitors would enjoy it or how great you think it would look.

Fortunately — if you had your heart set on a specific kind of content there are other ways to get good, quality videos on your waiting room TV. This article will suggest one or two ways you can achieve that goal, however the best solution will always be getting creating a custom TV network with video licensing built in.

How to Play YouTube Videos on your Waiting Room TV | LEGALLY

Contact the creator of the video or series you’d like to play in your waiting room — plain and simple. Try sending them a direct message, or email them if you know their address. Sometimes all it takes is contacting them, however creators are often going to want compensation in exchange for using their content. And in other cases a YouTube user may not have all of the rights themselves to everything in their video. So they might not have the ability or necessary clearances to even give you permission to use it. Remember; this is only if you want the rights to play a specific video or series in your waiting room.

YouTube videos aren’t enough on their own.

However funny or relevant the content is, relying on a YouTube playlist for your TV solution is a bad idea. Here’s a short list of reasons why:

1.) Playlist features work best on computers and smartphones. YouTube’s UI (user-interface) is designed for a viewer to have on-hand control at a moment’s notice in order to switch playlists or watch something else.

2.) Playlists are often short. Once in a while you’ll find a playlist with a LOT of videos, but more often than not you’re looking at 10 to 20 videos in a series. This becomes VERY repetitive for visitors and staff alike.

3.) Playlists end. No matter how you look at it, the end of a playlist is bad news. If it doesn’t loop, you’re looking at a TV that’s stuck on the video-select screen. Worse is if you have Autoplay toggled, at which point any “related videos” might play. Never mind not having the rights to those new videos, but ANYTHING could be vaguely “related” to that last playlist. There’s no reliable way to police what comes on next without dedicating staff to constantly manage the TV; which is just as silly as it sounds.

That’s where custom TV networks come in handy.

Custom TV Network for your Waiting Room | It’s Relevant TV

Custom TV networks are great because they deliver exactly what you were trying to achieve by playing YouTube videos in your waiting room. Whether you’re new to the idea of a custom TV network or are simply browsing options; It’s Relevant TV is the best place to start. They will show you what’s possible and can help give you an idea of what to expect from other services.

If you were looking for YouTube videos to play in your waiting room, It’s Relevant TV’s got you covered. They also have access to a ton of network TV content as well! They have the licenses you need to play anything they provide.

It’s Relevant isn’t playlist-based. It streams videos directly to your TV based on any categories (over 40+) you have selected. The technology is 100% automatic and customizable; there’s no need to hover in front of the TV in order to keep it going, and you can change your TV’s setting from your computer or smartphone.

IRTV let’s you control your TV from anywhere. You can even block out specific videos and keywords!

It’s Relevant TV licenses content from countless creators in order to give you access to over half-a-million entertaining family-friendly videos. Better than YouTube, it gives you the ability to uploads ads and personal messaging on the side. Between that, and features such as live social media integration, there’s no better way to communicate with your visitors.

You can reach out to a TV expert at using the form on their site if you have any questions about creating a custom TV network for your waiting room.

TV Packages For Your Business or Medical Office | It’s Relevant TV

It’s Relevant TV offers businesses and medical offices TV packages that are perfect for lobbies and waiting rooms. More than just TV, It’s Relevant lets you communicate with your visitors in new and effective ways that cable simply can’t hold a candle to. IRTV is the future of waiting area TV, and the technology couldn’t be easier to use. If you’re like a lot of business owners reading this and just want to learn more about TV packages for your business or medical office; visit It’s Relevant TV’s website and schedule a call, or chat with the TV experts there if you have any questions.

What to Look for in the Best TV Packages

Obviously, the best TV package for your business or medical office is going to include TV; but it’s the kind of TV, and the way that it’s packaged, which makes all the difference. Short-form content, not 22-minute shows or channels with hours-long movies, is what you should focus on getting.

Here are some of the reasons why traditional cable and satellite TV don’t work:

1.) Your visitors aren’t there to watch TV. They might be watching it while they wait, but that’s not why they’re there. No one has time for anything that long when they’re eating, waiting in line, or waiting to see the doctor. The time that your visitors are waiting is invaluable; you should be taking advantage of that opportunity by using the TV — which they are watching, to communicate with them. The best TV packages allow you to upload your own personal messages for visitors-in-waiting.

2.) One-single channel doesn’t make everyone happy. Whether it’s sports, a talkshow, or the news, there’s always going to be someone who wants to change the channel because he or she doesn’t like what’s on. Changing the channel isn’t practical, since all you’re doing is turning the hourglass over; your visitors’ interests are diverse, and your TV’s content should reflect that. The best TV packages feature varied content, which is automated, and short enough that anyone who doesn’t like what’s playing doesn’t have long to wait until something better comes on.

3.) Cable & Satellite TV don’t give anything back. You get what you pay for, and that’s basically all you get; access to a few channels that are saturated with competitive ads  that you can’t stop from showing up on your TV. The best TV packages come with features designed with your visitors, waiting area, and brand in mind.

A Closer Look at It’s Relevant TV

It’s Relevant TV is the best place to start looking if you’re serious about a custom TV network for your business or medical office. Schedule a call with It’s Relevant for a closer look at the technology, or chat with the TV experts here for more information about the features that make IRTV unique, and the best business TV software on the market.

The Best Digital Signage App For Your Business | It’s Relevant TV

Looking for a dynamic way of communicating with your visitors? Look no further than your TV! The market is FULL of digital signage apps, promising so many things that it can get a bit overwhelming! Most often for “FREE” — don’t fall for it! This article is about pushing all of those options aside and presenting you with the best digital signage software on the market. The solution that’s the best is the best because it’s not just digital signage. It’s called It’s Relevant TV, and we’re going to delve into why it’s the best business TV service.

What makes the Best Digital Signage App the “Best?”

The features. The measure of a good signage app is what it brings to the table; specifically what it does for your visitors, and what it does for your business as a whole. It’s Relevant TV is the best because of how closely it resembles cable TV, and how it doubles as an effective marketing tool.

In short? It’s TV designed specifically for businesses.

It comes with none of the things you hate about cable. Viewers feels like they’re watching real-live television when they watch It’s Relevant TV. Pairing your messaging with entertaining content ensures that your message is not only noticed, but it has a higher chance of being well-received.

Content is key. A digital “sign” or “message board” isn’t enough if you’re really going for results; which is all that a lot of these “free digital signage apps” are offering.

FACT: People are more receptive towards marketing messages when they’re in a good mood.

Nothing puts people in a good mood quite like entertaining videos. It’s Relevant TV’s media library contains over half-a-million videos, which are organized into about 50 categories you can pick and choose from; you won’t find a business TV service with more diverse, and entertaining content.

How does a Digital Signage App Improve your Business Itself?

The most basic way is by empowering you to deliver important messaging to your visitors via the TV. That’s where most of these free digital signage apps stop — but it’s like you just read; that messaging just isn’t effective unless it’s paired with something that gets your audience to look at the TV in the first place. In the case of It’s Relevant, the service comes with features designed to do more than just communicate with your visitors.

It’s has features designed to encourage engagement, and help move your business forward.

Features like real-time social media integration,  allows you to display your most recent Facebook Twitter, or Instagram posts directly on the TV by connecting your accounts to the system. The technology is 100% safe, with visitors only seeing posts made by you or your staff. When it comes to generating more followers on social media, you couldn’t ask for a better marketing tool from a business TV service.

TV services should offer more, not just the bare minimum.

Finding the Best Digital Signage App for your Business

There is no all-around “best” TV software for businesses; there’s only your business, and your business’ specific needs. If you’re serious about finding the signage app that’s right for you, it’s important to do your research. Too many business owners get locked into long contracts before realizing the TV software they chose isn’t what they thought it was, or that it came with a catch.

Schedule a demo, request a call, or chat with representatives before making a decision.

The mark of a good service provider is one who’s happy to accommodate all of the above. You want to pick a provider that is there to work with you. You want someone who is available to chat with, answer questions, and set up meetings to show you the technology firsthand. Digital signage apps can really help grow your business if you partner with the right provider.

Mood Media Files For Bankruptcy: What’s Next For Mood TV?

Mood Media, a company that provides TV (Mood TV) and music solutions (Muzak) to businesses, has announced that it is filing for bankruptcy as of early July 2020. This marks the second time that the Texas-based company has gone bankrupt, which begs the question: “What’s next for Mood TV?

Mood is a reported 680 million dollars in debt, making it fair to anticipate cuts or changes to the service. A reduced support staff in particular isn’t out of the question when it comes to these companies’ responses to an immediate solution. Less updated content, or lower quality content may also be an option for them. Alternatively; users could potentially see an increase in ads on their TVs due to providers lowering the cost of running ads on their network in order to cope. Bankruptcy is rarely good for customers, creating distrust, and certainly showcases poor management and bad planning.

How are other TV providers doing during Covid?

Advertising budgets shrunk drastically during the first 6 months of 2020. Brands just aren’t spending what they used to on ads due to COVID’s impact on the market; which is bad news for Mood Media, Outcome Health, or any other streaming service that relies heavily on selling ad space to stay afloat.

TV technology works, without the ads

Anything can happen to the market; and when something does — like it did with COVID-19, these ad-supported TV companies struggle to find solutions to bridge the gap caused by a sudden decrease in ad spending. A better solution for business owners is a tv platform alternative that doesn’t rely on support from selling ad space to outside companies. You want to find a service provider who can be a strategic thought-partner and wants your business to grow and succeed; not a someone whose goal it is to make money off of selling ads on your television.

Related Article: “Free TV Services: What’s the Real Cost?

 A Better Solution for the Business Owners

Ads shouldn’t be dominating your restaurant, lobby, or waiting room television. In fact, too-many-ads was probably one of the reasons you cut cable in the first place. Factor in a reduced level of service and support, especially now, and you begin to wonder why you’re continuing to use it.

Your TV should work for you and your business.

Whether you’re ready to make a change and switch to a new custom TV network, or have questions about what features are missing from your current TV; you can chat with the TV experts here. You can also go the DIY route and utilize a TV network and their content and overlay your own messaging by using brand new TV technology found at:

Car Dealerships: How To Compete With Online Car Buying Sites like Carvana

Car buying sites and apps like Carvana, Carmax, and TrueCar are changing the way that people are buying and selling cars. The trend of buying things online has grown tremendously over the past 10 years; a convenience that’s no longer limited to clothes, furniture, or anything small enough to fit in a box. Now because you can make a purchase as big as a car from the comfort of your own home, the automotive industry is experiencing a major shift in the way that cars are bought and sold.

If you own or operate a dealership, you know how frustrating it can be to lose customers to an online retailer. Fortunately, there are certain measures you can take, and new technology to consider that can help strengthen customer retention, and even generate new business.

See:The Top 6 Dealership TV Systems: Comparing Custom TV Offerings.

The Rising Threat of Car Buying Sites

At the time this article is being written, many businesses- dealerships included, are closed because of the Coronavirus. Due to the fact that many customers are stuck at home, or practicing social distancing; if someone is in the market for a new vehicle, chances are that they’re going to explore car buying sites in order to limit contact with others. Because of this, services like Carvana are thriving more than ever before. Stocks in Carvana, specifically, went up a whopping 68% since last March.

Additionally, an article published by Forbes labels car buying sites as “The Best Way to Buy a Car in the Age of Coronavirus.”

Virus or not, car buying services didn’t need a worldwide pandemic to get ahead of the game; their success was inevitable. Competing against these alternative means of buying and/or selling cars isn’t impossible, but it’ll take some clever strategizing and forward-thinking.

3 Key Steps to Competing Against Car Buying Sites

Step 1.) Make Your Dealership Shine! If the Coronavirus left any sort of lasting impact on the way that business is conducted, it’s CLEANLINESS. Even after the country gets the ALL-CLEAR, you can count on folks practicing social distancing, or even wearing masks in public. The anxiety isn’t going to go away overnight. In fact, the bar for what constitutes as “a clean establishment” is likely going to be set high. Do what you can to keep surfaces and waiting areas clean. Offer sanitizer; a small, but meaningful gesture. You want your customers to be comfortable and stress-free when they visit your dealership.

See:Top 5 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Reopening Post-Coronavirus.

Step 2.) Revisit Your Social Media Pages

If your dealership isn’t on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram; consider getting it on social media- especially Facebook. If you do have a presence, but your pages  aren’t up-to-date, blow the dust off and make an effort to craft regularly-scheduled posts. Dedicate a member of your staff to make a daily, or even bi-weekly posts to ping your loyal followers. The more active your are, the more likely your posts are to get shared. The more your posts are shared, the more likely you are to generate more followers on social media. Followers are generally the best folks to market to since they’re already following you; and  they’re more likely to make a purchase with you.

Related Article: “Social Media on TV: Businesses Become More Social with their Customers” & “Top 3 Reasons to Get Social Media TV Software for your Business.”

Step 3.) Brush Up on the Latest Waiting Room Technology

Waiting room technology is ever-growing. In the past, if you had a TV in your waiting area, you’d put cable on it and call it a day; whereas today, you have your choice of cable TV alternatives to pick from. Alternatives that not only tend to be more cost-effective than cable or satellite TV, but are a lot safer, and come with all kinds of features made with your business in mind. The elements that make up the best car dealership TV vary based on your dealership’s specific needs; however, the following article should give you a good idea in terms of what to look for: Car Dealership TV Systems – The Top 5 Most Important Elements.

Car dealerships are among the best users of custom TV networks; having no shortage of videos, promotions, and marketing messages to entice customers with. Deciding between a cable TV subscription that doesn’t block out ads from “Bob’s Better Automobiles,” vs a custom TV network that promotes your own brand is an easy choice.

Related Article:Should I Cancel Cable? A Better Cable Alternative for Businesses.

Interested in a Custom TV Network for your Car Dealership? Start Here

Whether you’re new to waiting room TV technology, or you’re switching from a service like Spectrio, or Automotive Broadcasting Network (ABN); the best TV solution for car dealerships is It’s Relevant TV. Featured in an article published by Automotive News, It’s Relevant stands out from its competitors by having the lowest cost, whilst being the most feature-rich.

It’s Relevant TV for Car Dealerships features the world’s largest library of licensed, short-form content at over half-a-million videos. Additionally, it’s the only service that features live social media integration; displaying your most recent Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts for visitors to enjoy alonside IRTV’s fun and engaging content. See what’s out there, but don’t settle for less than what IRTV delivers.

READ:What’s the Best Dealership TV Service for Waiting Rooms?

How To Remove The News From Your Waiting Room TV: FOX News, CNN, MSNBC

Looking for a way to remove the news from your waiting room TV? Whether it’s who-did-what in politics, a terrorist attack, or a school shooting; the news is so polluted with unsettling content that businesses want to disengage from it. If you’re reading this, you’re probably tired of seeing reports of shootings, stabbings, or what the president Tweeted this morning.

What’s the answer? How do you protect your business, and your visitors, from news stories like the ones featured in this article(WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE)

Can you really stop the news from showing up in your waiting room? Absolutely- 100%. Let’s take a look at how.

How to Remove the News from your Waiting Room TV

Now before you get the wrong impression- this isn’t going to require opening up your TV, climbing up a telephone pole, or learning any Hollywood hacking skills; the solution to removing disturbing content from networks like FOX, CNN, and MSNBC from your waiting room television is in using a custom TV network. That means no more cable, no more upset visitors, and no more bad reviews on sites like Yelp complaining about the news they saw on the TV while they were there.

Many business owners have employed digital signage technologies over the past few years, replacing television with business messaging. It’s a growing market that didn’t exist years ago when many businesses first put TVs in their locations. Back then, cable went on the TV because that’s all there was. Today, that simply isn’t the case. And now there are solutions that go beyond cable and even digital signage to match visitors up with programming they will enjoy, while being devoid of the problems faced with cable.

Forward-think technologies like It’s Relevant TV are available to any business owner who wants to STOP the news from hurting their business and remove programming that makes their visitors feel uncomfortable.

The Advantages of a Custom TV Network

Safe, family-friendly programming that visitors genuinely enjoy watching is one of the best reasons to consider a custom TV network. Other reasons worth mentioning is the ability to upload your own personal videos and messages. Additionally, if your business is on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you can actually program your TV to display your most recent social media posts! You can even go so far as to block certain keywords as an added layer of protection against videos that talk about topics you don’t want popping up in your business.

Make ‘your’ TV work for ‘your’ Business

Cable is a service that you pay for that has no allegiance to your brand. Whether it’s graphic content, unsettling news, or even competitor ads; you aren’t the one in control of your TV. If you’re going to pay to have TV programming in your waiting room, it should be designed with your business at the center of it.

As it stands, there is NO legal way to remove the news from your cable TV. Altering basic cable in any way without the expressed consent of your provider violates the Terms & Conditions of your agreement, and may result in a penalty. Cutting cable altogether and deciding to play DVDs or Netflix in your business is just as bad and could lead to a hefty copyright lawsuit. You can do better.

There’s no better time than now to start browsing for cable TV replacements for your waiting room. Begin your search here, and find the solution that fits what you’re looking for!