The Value of Service: Why Attention to Detail Leads to Positive Perceptions of Your Business

In today’s competitive landscape, people are increasingly willing to pay more for premium dining experiences. A growing body of research and customer feedback suggests that what many truly value is the level of attention and service they receive. This phenomenon highlights a critical lesson for businesses across various sectors: superior service and a thoughtful environment can significantly enhance perceived value and customer satisfaction.

The Restaurant Paradigm: Service Over Cuisine

While gastronomic excellence remains a cornerstone of fine dining, the allure of high-end restaurants often lies in the impeccable service and attention to detail that patrons receive. Restaurants like Per Se in New York or The French Laundry in Napa Valley are celebrated not just for their culinary feats but also for their extraordinary service. The seamless coordination of the staff, the attentiveness to customer needs, and the ambiance crafted to create a memorable experience often justify the premium prices.

Even something as simple as having your water glass refilled the moment it is half empty provides a sense of hospitality that people absolutely love.

Creating an Elevated Experience

  1. Personalized Attention: High-end restaurants frequently provide personalized service, remembering regular patrons’ preferences, and tailoring the dining experience to individual needs. This level of personal connection fosters loyalty and a sense of being valued.
  2. Ambiance and Environment: The ambiance of a restaurant, from its interior design to the background music and lighting, plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall experience. A well-thought-out environment can make the dining experience more enjoyable, memorable, and worth the extra cost. While some  high-end restaurants don’t have TVs, others have learned to utilize custom tv services in order to enhance the environment for their patrons.
  3. Seamless Service: Efficient and courteous service, where waitstaff anticipate needs before being asked, enhances the perception of value. This proactive approach reduces waiting times and makes diners feel special and well-cared for.

Extending the Concept to Other Sectors

The principles that make high-end dining appealing can be adapted across various business sectors, including retail, hospitality, and even waiting room experiences in healthcare or corporate environments. Here’s how:

1. Waiting Room Experience

In places where waiting is inevitable, such as medical offices or automotive service centers, the experience can be transformed by enhancing the environment and service.

  • Comfort and Ambiance: Comfortable seating, pleasant decor, and soothing lighting can significantly improve the waiting experience. Including elements like greenery or art can make spaces feel more inviting.
  • Entertainment and Information: Providing engaging programming on televisions, such as educational content or calming visuals, can make waiting times feel shorter and more pleasant. Quality programming can also serve to inform or entertain, reducing perceived wait times and enhancing satisfaction.
  • Personal Touches: Simple gestures, such as offering complimentary beverages or reading materials, can make a significant difference in how clients perceive their wait. A welcoming receptionist who provides updates and maintains a friendly demeanor also contributes to a positive experience.

2. Retail Environments

Retailers can leverage the principles of high service to elevate the shopping experience and justify premium prices.

  • In-Store Ambiance: Creating a visually appealing and well-organized space with a thoughtful layout enhances the shopping experience. The use of ambient lighting, pleasant scents, and background music tailored to the brand’s identity can make customers feel more comfortable and engaged.
  • Customer Service: Providing knowledgeable and approachable staff who can offer personalized recommendations and assistance can greatly enhance customer satisfaction. Training employees to understand and anticipate customer needs helps create a more welcoming atmosphere.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive displays or experiences, such as in-store demonstrations or virtual try-ons, can create a more engaging shopping experience. Offering unique services, such as customization options or product personalization, also adds value.

3. Hospitality Sector

Hotels, spas, and other hospitality businesses can create premium experiences through meticulous attention to service and environment.

  • Atmosphere: The design of the space, from the lobby to individual rooms, should reflect a sense of luxury and comfort. Attention to detail in decor, cleanliness, and layout enhances the overall experience.
  • Service Excellence: Staff training focused on courtesy, efficiency, and personalization can make guests feel valued and special. Personalized welcome messages, room preferences, and seamless check-in and check-out processes contribute to a memorable stay.
  • Added Amenities: Providing thoughtful amenities, such as high-quality toiletries, complimentary refreshments, and on-demand entertainment options, adds perceived value.

The Business Case for Service Excellence

Across these sectors, the underlying principle remains consistent: a high level of service and a well-crafted environment creates a perception of greater value. This perception allows businesses to command premium prices and fosters customer loyalty. The investment in service training, environment design, and thoughtful amenities pays dividends through enhanced customer satisfaction, positive reviews, and repeat business.

In a world where quality products are readily accessible, the true differentiator often lies in the level of service and attention to detail a business offers. Just as diners are willing to pay more for an exceptional dining experience, customers in various industries value and are willing to pay for superior service and a thoughtfully crafted environment. By focusing on these aspects, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and create a perception of higher value that justifies premium pricing.

Free TV Services: What’s the Real Cost to a Medical Office or Business?

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch,”
and there’s no such thing as a free TV service.

Nothing is Free, Including TV

If you’re using a TV service or platform that’s free, sooner or later you’re going to feel the cost of it; even if you didn’t put a single cent down. Even a homemade slideshow, or video that only cost the time it took to make it can bring detriment in the long run. The structure of such a video or slideshow may stand out as unprofessional and tacky; doing more harm than good.

What’s the Cost of TV?

Cost runs a little deeper than money. The initial cost of cable, for example, might be a some-hundred dollar subscription for an inclusive package – but that’s not all there is to it. There are many hidden costs of running cable in your business. The lack of program control, contributing to visitor anxiety or showing competitor ads all can harm your business.

Everything has a cost, but not everything has a strong level of return. Cable is an expense that gives nothing back. Industry-specific TV providers, like the ones often seen in medical offices, benefit pharmaceutical companies while showcasing drug ads and medical information that tends to raise anxiety among patients.

What’s the Alternative?

You can do better than free. Business owners are moving away from paying for TV as a utility, and are instead putting It’s Relevant TV in place to generate revenue from their TVs.

It’s Relevant is an alternative to cable that is less expensive, gives you control over what appears on your TV, and is comprised of short-form content that’s family-friendly and structured with business settings in mind. The service gives you access to a living TV network, not a loop or slideshow, that pulls videos from a vast library of licensed TV programs. It’s interesting and fun.

The IRTV platform generates new revenue by promoting additional services, specials, and events that people might not have been aware of. The service represents a significant return on investment (ROI), and is focused on customer retention – getting customers to spend more, and come back more often. So while there is a monthly subscription cost, the value and benefits far outweigh it.

For a personal look into how It’s Relevant can draw in more business for your business, check out our ROI Calculator and see for yourself how much of a return you can expect from our service.

Amazon Fire Stick: Don’t Risk Sticking Your Business

Technology is Changing TV

Amazon Fire Stick, Chromecast, and Smart TVs are steadily emerging over the horizon, more so now than ever. With access to services like Netflix, Hulu, or HBO Go and devices that allow you to stream those services on your TV, cable is on its way out.

TV has come a long way since the 1920’s, and as we get closer to 2020, looking back on the history of television during the last one hundred years and seeing how far we’ve come is pretty amazing. Today, televisions are just about everywhere you go. Everywhere. And they have been for a while. That’s because TVs are a staple of technology – we use them to reach out to one another, stay informed, and keep ourselves entertained.

If you’re a business owner who caters to crowds, or often has people waiting or sitting for lengthy periods of time, then chances are you’ve got a TV within sight for the exact reasons just listed above. Which is great, the comfort of your customers is key – but in this rapidly advancing world of technology, it’s easy to get carried away when trying to build an inviting waiting room experience.

Between all the technology available to business owners coupled with the drive to maintain customer satisfaction, the ease of putting something up like Netflix powered by an Amazon Fire Stick is second nature. So why wouldn’t you do it? The answer is simple. Because it’s illegal.


The Netflix service and any content viewed through our service are for your personal and non-commercial use only. During your Netflix membership, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, license to access the Netflix service and view Netflix content through the service. Except for the foregoing limited license, no right, title or interest shall be transferred to you. You agree not to use the service for public performances.

Using those services with a “set it and forget it” mentality without regard for the licensing terms and conditions can be dangerous for your business. The people who enforce the rules on media licenses take this very seriously. For more information regarding why you should think twice about setting up services like that in your business, check out this article on using Netflix in your business.

Personal Use is Different than Business Use

In the end, the licensing rights tied with those services only applies to personal use. Setting them up in your business is a no-go. But if you think about it, TVs and plug-ins like Fire Stick and Chromecast were designed with the home setting in mind, not business settings anyway.


So you can’t use a Fire Stick in Your business to deliver any real TV content. Up until recently, this left you with only one real choice: cable TV. And while it’s legal to run cable in a business setting, cable TV isn’t designed for the benefit of your customers and your business. It’s Relevant TV is.

Custom TV from It’s Relevant

It’s Relevant TV bridges the gaps between TV, customer satisfaction, and business messaging using unique digital sinage software – creating a more inviting place for visitors. The service provides businesses with content and control that makes for an all around better TV experience. IRTV creates a custom TV network for each business with access to a vast library of original content divided into a number of categories you can pick and choose from. On top of the TV content with more meaningful controls, your business also gets room to advertise additional services, reach out to customers, and share your latest social media posts. It’s Relevant TV turns your television into a tool for your business.

Waiting Room Makeover: Controlled By an iPhone App?

It can take a long time to create a waiting room environment that you are 100% happy with for your visitors. You want people to feel comfortable, to be entertained, and also to be informed about all you have to offer. Buying thousands of dollars of furniture, changing the lighting, updating music and even creating the scents are some of the ways businesses and professionals are altering their environments. But what if there were an easier way to transform your space? And what if major changes could be made inexpensively from a smartphone app? It sounds like a fantasy, but it is now a reality.

The Easy & Inexpensive Solution

Televisions are the focal point of most waiting areas, but until now there was no way strategically integrate one in your environment. Introducing: It’s Relevant TV for iOS. Businesses and their employees can now personalize and control the content displayed on their televisions directly from their iPhones. The new application paired with a $99/month subscription allow professionals to take control. Ideal for hospitality businesses including medical offices, hotels, restaurants, and sports arenas, It’s Relevant TV helps businesses easily take control of the programming displayed on their televisions, while influencing visitor satisfaction, purchasing decisions and social media followership.

It's Relevant TV in a Restaurant“It’s Relevant TV does exactly what our name says. We empower business owners to control the TVs and make the programming relevant to their customers,” said Jonathan Krackehl, CEO of It’s Relevant TV. Waiting is a part of any service business, but it doesn’t have be a point of frustration for yours.  “Up until now most businesses have done one of two things: Either they chose a cable television station loosely relevant to their business, or they displayed a video or image loop that became redundant after a couple repetitions.”

Making the “Wait” Less of a “Weight” on Your Visitors

Medical Office Custom TV Solution
Medical Office Custom TV Solution

The company, Software Advice, asked more than 5-thousand people to rate how they felt about wait times. 64% said the wait would be more bearable with a TV in the waiting room. Participants in the study chose television over free food and beverages and even access to WiFi. “ TV that shows interesting content alongside a business’ messaging makes both the customers and the business happier,” according to Krackehl.

What Can You Control?

It’s Relevant TV provides simple controls for all aspects of their screen displays.  It is simple for you to chose the video content that is relevant to your customers. The company’s experienced editors compile diverse, timely and interesting content and organize it into 40+ categories, ranging from general health, travel, business, kids shows, fashion, sports, comedy, cooking and non- controversial news. Business owners, administrators and facility managers using the service for display, simply choose the categories that match their vistors’ interests most.

Becker’s Hospital Review reports the average wait time nationwide is now more than 15 minutes. Most TV shows last much longer and start at the top and bottom of the hour. IRTV segments are current, timely, engaging and never run more 4 minutes in length. All of the videos are subtitled so even if you prefer a quieter setting people can still enjoy the programming.

iPhone App to Create Custom TV with Wireless Ad Uploading
It’s Relevant TV Ad Builder, Inside the It’s Relevant TV iOS App

In addition to controling the video content, users also control a suite of digital messaging. The app includes an ad builder that allows the user to take a photo, add text and even a QR code before setting it live alongside the TV programming on their screen(s). Users can also control the syndication of their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. With full screen features, It’s Relevant TV displays the user’s most recent posts automatically.  It’s Relevant also offers a 5-day weather forecast based on the user’s zip code

Free App Download

It’s Relevant TV for iOS is free for It’s Relevant TV customers. The application includes a demonstration video, accessible upon download. Click Here to access the application on the iTunes Store.