COVID-19 Vaccination Sites | Communicating With Your Visitors

Vaccination sites require visitors to wait 15 minutes after getting the COVID vaccine; that’s 15 minutes you could be using to your benefit as a vaccine provider.

The TV provides an opportunity to communicate with your patients while they’re sitting around waiting for time to pass. Whether it’s getting first-time visitors to come back for other reasons or encouraging more volunteers to donate things like plasma; you have a prime opportunity to educate those people-in-waiting. This article is all about the best way to take advantage of that time, and it all starts with the TV in your waiting room.

The Best Waiting Room TV for Vaccination Sites

The best waiting room TV for medical offices isn’t cable, nor is it a medical display; that goes double for “FREE” medical TV services. The best TV software for your clinic is It’s Relevant TV. It’s Relevant is geared towards patient comfort, providing hospitals, clinics, and medical offices with a means to keep their visitors entertained. Entertainment here is key, because medical displays are NOT fun. They’re boring, and often times unsettling.

It’s Relevant helps pass the time by putting something fun on the TV.

IRTV brings a variety of engaging content to the table separated into a list of 40+ unique categories. The categories are like “channels,” which can be turned on/off based on the interests of your visitors. So whether you’re someone who likes celebrity interviews and cooking, or prefer home gardening and automotive, there’s something for all audiences.

It’s Relevant TV features short-form content. This increases the liklihood of your visitors seeing something that will get their attention.

More importantly, It’s Relevant gives you the freedom to upload your own videos and messages. Playing your messaging alongside content that your visitors are genuinely interested in watching is the best, most-effective way to get those messages across. Because It’s Relevant isn’t just a medical display, you can count on the only medical-related messaging being your own approved videos. This is important, because you’re not always in control of what shows up on your TV when it comes to other services. With IRTV, you’re in control.

Getting It’s Relevant TV for your Vaccination Sites

You can find out more about It’s Relevant TV here. Chat with the TV experts about any questions you have regarding custom TV networks, or schedule a demo to see the technology firsthand. Custom TV software is the future of medical office television as more and more clinics are seeing the advantages to canceling cable in favor of a customizable, personally-branded network.

Using a Smart TV as a Cable Alternative in Your Medical Office

Are you looking to get rid of cable TV in your medical office or waiting room? You don’t even need a cable box anymore with so man affordable smart TVs out there now. More and more owners and office managers are becoming grossly aware of cable’s rising costs. Their monthly cable bills just aren’t worth the mediocre content and the risk of upsetting patients. With a smart TV armed with choice apps, you have much more control over your TV’s content. Content, in this case, is really what makes a smart TV stand out over cable; because what you choose to put on your TV will determine its success.

It’s Relevant TV is the Best Smart TV App for your Medical Office

It’s Relevant TV is the TV programming you were looking for when you decided to get rid of cable. IRTV has the content (half-a-million videos), the variety, (40+ categories), the customizability (upload your own videos & messaging), and features such as social media integration and Competitive Ad Block.

In 10 Words or Less: It’s Relevant is innovative TV that visitors enjoy watching.

It’s Relevant TV sets itself apart from waiting room TV software that is strictly medical, or boasts “patient education videos.” For reasons described in this article, you might be surprised to learn that well-intended medical content does more harm than good. It all boils down to patients finding medical content boring, or even graphic and unsettling at times; which if you’re stuck in a waiting room for however-long, it can be pretty stressful – especially if it loops every 5 minutes. Medical-related content can be appealing to doctors and office managers looking to put something “fitting” on their waiting room TVs, but they get carried away and forget that visitors most often find it a lot less interesting than they do.

TV Tip: Don’t fall for the “Free Waiting Room TV” scam.

The Smartest Thing you can do with your Smart TV

The It’s Relevant TV app is the best in custom television for medical office waiting rooms because it’s patient-focused, and designed to generate success for your practice. Start your search at, chat with the TV experts there, and see what a custom TV network can mean for your waiting room. It’s Relevant is available on many smart TVs including Amazon’s Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku.

Related: “Top 3 Waiting Room TV Services for Medical Offices.

Retail Digital Signage: What Can You Do With The TV In Your Store?

As technology grows, more and more business owners are exploring their options when it comes to retail digital signage. Nowadays, it isn’t uncommon to see TVs in clothing stores, furniture outlets, and shopping centers; wherever people tend to gather, you can usually count on a TV screen being close by — that’s because TVs are eye-catching, and strangely comforting. Forward-thinking business owners using that to their advantage and building retail TV networks for their stores. This article takes a closer look at the technology that is taking retail digital signage to a whole new level.

Retail Digital Signage: How Effective is it?

The average adult is believed to watch about 4 hours of TV a day. That’s a lot of screen time. But because of that, human beings are naturally drawn to colorful, moving, or otherwise animated displays. Often when we see a TV, our guard is lowered — if only for the sake of seeing what’s on, and choosing whether or not to keep watching. Unlike banners or traditional paper signage, digital signage is bold and inviting. People notice it more, for obvious reasons, and all it takes is a properly-placed TV to host it.

How do you Get Customers to Engage with What’s on Your TV?

Getting customers to notice the TV and watch the TV are two very different things. That brief window of opportunity when they notice the TV and are choosing whether or not to keep watching is the golden moment. What determines their choice usually relies on a few factors:

1.) What’s on the TV? Obviously, this is the most important part. “Digital signage” users tend to just show ads that showcase sales, or reminders for customers to sign up for X or become a member of Y. This is smart, and it’s a great way to utilize the TV, but if all you’re showing is JUST marketing messages, your customers will see it as “just another ad” and tune it out. However, the solution to this is easy; instead of using digital signage, create a custom TV network. A custom TV network will mix in fun and entertaining videos with your marketing messages and your customers will be MUCH more receptive to your ads.

2.) Where is the TV on display? Second to what’s on the TV is where you choose to put it. Is it hanging on a crossroads pillar between sections? Is it part of a living room set acting as the TV? Or is it above the checkout for customers to see while waiting in line? All of these are great. You want it to be in a place that customers can consume what they are watching for more than a few seconds before feeling they are obligated to move.

3.) How are your customers feeling? This one is slightly more difficult to account for, but what’s going on inside a customer’s head plays a big part in whether or not they’re receptive to your messaging. Are they upset? Annoyed? Or bored? A captive audience doesn’t mean that they’re appreciative of your ads. Echoing point #1, mixing in content that might uplift a customer’s mood or alleviate their boredom can go a long way towards improving visitor experience, which improves your chance of making an extra sale.

The Best way to Utilize Retail Digital Signage

You might have gathered that the best way to use retail digital signage is by combining your marketing messages with content that your customers will enjoy watching. Not just any content; you want content that is fun, interesting, and not-necessarily related to your brand, but will put your visitors in a purchasing mindset. Ideally, you also want that content to be on the short-side, since your customers are mostly lingering and waiting. You want videos that anyone can start/stop watching at any time, and are short enough that people are more likely to see something that interests them.

Shorter Videos = More Variety.

Accomplishing this through retail digital signage alone is nearly impossible, that’s where a retail TV network comes in handy. A retail TV network combines the best aspects of digital signage + television; bringing them together in a unique and effective way. Imagine your digital signage board being part ad, and part TV; with occasional ads playing in between or next to engaging videos. That’s how It’s Relevant TV approaches retail TV networks.

The Best Retail TV Network is It’s Relevant TV

It’s Relevant TV licenses over half-a-million short-form videos spread across 40+ customer-favorite categories. As a store owner, you don’t need to being anything to the table except for your own goals and aspirations. It’s Relevant TV allows you to easily create marketing messages — which you can upload into the system and have play alongside countless entertaining videos. The technology is fully-automated, meaning that you can set-it and forget-it knowing that your TVs are delivering a mix of ads + interesting content. Additionally, It’s Relevant can be used to promote your social media, or barter ad space to other local businesses in order to generate even more revenue.

IRTV is the most feature-rich custom TV network on the market. Chat with the television experts at and get an online Zoom demo to learn more.

How To Keep Your Small Business Open Without PPP Funding

Looking for ways to keep your small business open without the PPP? This article will show you how one small change can make a big difference in businesses with physical locations. If you don’t have a TV in your business, consider getting one because that investment will go a LONG way if you take this article to heart.

But why the TV?

TVs are particularly effective at catching someone’s eye. It doesn’t matter what’s playing — if it’s on, people will notice it. Visitors will notice, and remember, what’s on the TV more than they’ll remember what was on any posters or signage. That’s why custom TV networks work as well as they do — it’s TV that visitors enjoy watching + features that will help your business succeed.

Still not 100% sure what a Custom TV Network is? Click Here.

No PPP Loan? Creative Cutting & New Revenue Generation will be Key

Many businesses across the U.S. are waiting for PPP round 2. And with the politicians seemingly unable to come to an agreement, it could be a while before we see any added relief.

We’re all in this together, but that doesn’t mean it’s affecting everyone the same way. If you are a business that caters to customers in groups, you are likely having a tougher time than someone with an e-commerce business. The key with any forced change is to do it as thoughtfully as you can. It’s time to dig deep, examine budgets, make some pivots, and hopefully become stronger through the process.

Some of the changes we are making in these dire months will be temporary, and others will be permanent. The best thing you can do is to take a look at what permanent optimizations/changes to your business that you can make that will help you moving forward. You will feel less like you are being forced to make a change that you don’t want to, and more like you are doing something that would help your business for the long haul as we come out the other side of this thing.

One of the areas that can both help you save, and grow simultaneously is changing what powers your TV. Get rid of cable if you haven’t already, and switch to something that will likely costs less, and do more for your business.

Reduced Budgets Need New Marketing Opportunities

Finding it difficult to budget things? Marketing tends to be an area of business that costs a lot, and is hard to trim when you want to keep a steady stream of customers. Utilizing your TV is one way that you can reduce your marketing spend while still making an impact. Internal TV marketing focuses on the people who are visiting your business; people who are already interested in your brand. It’s usually easier to encourage loyal customers to come back and spend more than it is to reel in new customers who aren’t as familiar with your brand.

The TV can be used to promote your marketing messages, get visitors to come back more, and even generate more followers on social media — but not if you’re using cable or satellite. It only works if you’re using a custom TV network, because only custom television comes with features that allow you to create your own personal messages, promote your social media, and give visitors reasons to come back; whether it’s because they were entertained by a fun video and had a good time, or saw an ad for something else that they want to try or take advantage of next time — you can’t go wrong.

Did You Know?: Custom TV networks generally cost less than cable or satellite TV.

Interested in a Custom TV Network? Here’s where to Begin.

The best custom TV software for restaurants, medical offices, dealerships, and retail stores alike is It’s Relevant TV. The folks at It’s Relevant focus on connecting with people and provide the most feature-rich service on the market. The platform and their people are easy to work with. Because of this, they have become preferred choice for business owners across all industries. And unlike standard cable TV, It’s Relevant offers month-to-month plans that you can utilize if you don’t want to be locked into a contract during these troubled times.

Visit and talk to the TV experts there if you have any questions about custom TV networks. Or, schedule a call with them if you’d like a closer look at the technology.

Businesses Are Already Looking Ahead To 2022 | COVID 2022

The coronavirus hit businesses hard in 2020 and 2021, and while the forecast for COVID in 2022 is hard to predict, business owners are already preparing for next year. Whether your business has been able to stay open throughout 2021, or you’re preparing to re-open your business in 2022; this article spotlights a new technology that can help you generate repeat business and deliver important messages to your visitors during these uncertain times.

Preparing your Business for COVID 2022

If you managed to keep your doors open during the pandemic, then you already know the challenges that business owners are facing regarding healthy & safety. If you’re re-opening, it can be overwhelming as there’s a lot to train your staff and employees on. Doors and tables need to be disinfected regularly, masks are mandatory, and seating is spaced out — you get the idea.

Related: Top 5 Ways to Prepare Your Business Space for COVID-19

But signs on the ground encouraging social distancing and staff members taking your temperature with a gun don’t make for a very welcoming atmosphere; it doesn’t matter if these precautions are for your customers’ safety, it still feels strange and can turn visitors off. Customers who don’t feel safe probably won’t come back for a long time, or at least until the virus is gone- which could be a while.

Safely Communicating with your Visitors about the Coronavirus

Making your customers feel safe is just as important as making sure they’re safe; the difference being that you can adhere to strict health & safety regulations, but easily forget how it affects customer experience. COVID-19 has a lot of people stressed, so finding a way to reduce that stress wherever possible should be top-of-the-list.

They key to making customers FEEL safe is communication.

Except, effective communication can be hard for small businesses; especially medical offices. There usually aren’t a lot of good options. Yet, every business has messages they need and/or want to get across to customers; sales, specials, etc. — including COVID-related messaging. Most business owners settle for posters or fliers, without realizing that the best place for their messaging is the TV in their business. The best is to use a custom TV network.

Not sure what a “Custom TV Network” is? Click here.

If you’ve got a TV and you aren’t using a custom TV network, your visitors are at the mercy of the news. At this point, the whole world knows about the coronavirus. We also get to hear about how many new cases there are each day, and how many people have died; people don’t need to be reminded of this everwhere they go- especially inside of your business.

If you have a TV in your business, chances are you customers are seeing that kind of messaging, and it’s stressing people out. Being informed is one thing — but constantly being reminded that there’s a pandemic is overwhelming. Your visitors don’t need that. The safest, most-effective way to communicate with your customers is through the TV in your business; but only if that TV is playing content that you control.

Tackling COVID-22 in your Business with a Custom TV Network

One of the best things you can do to prepare your business for COVID 2021 is getting rid of any mention of the coronavirus off your TV. Anything COVID-related — unless it’s your own personal messaging, isn’t necessary to have playing in your business. In fact, for all of the reasons stated previously it’s probably doing more harm than good. People aren’t visiting your restaurant, medical office, or car dealership for the bad news. Whether they’re looking at the TV for 20 minutes or 20 seconds, it’s the perfect opportunity to comfort them, and inform them about anything you want them to take advantage of; either while they’re there, or the next time they visit.

If you had the choice — would you rather show the news? Or would you rather show something that supports your business?

Custom TV networks are designed with your business in mind. It gives you more control over what show up on your TV, and gives you variety of content. Additionally, the right technology will let you upload you own messages to play in between videos. Once you realize what’s possible with custom TV software, it’s hard to imagine any business owner choosing cable over a system that improves visitor experience, AND is a powerful marketing tool.

Want more reasons to cut cable? This article gives you 10.

Want to Learn more about Custom TV Networks? Check out It’s Relevant TV

Don’t get overwhelmed with choices — It’s Relevant TV is the best place to start looking if you’re curious about a custom TV network for your business. Feature-rich and easy-to-use, It’s Relevant will show you exactly what to expect from custom television software. Chat with the experts at if you have any questions, or schedule a demo to get a firsthand look at the technology.

The Best Kids Content For Waiting Rooms | It’s Relevant TV

Kids content for your waiting room TV can be tricky to find; but it’s the most effective first step you can take towards creating the best possible experience for your younger patients. If you’re a pediatric doctor, or dentist, you don’t need to be told that your medical office is the LAST place these kids want to be; putting something on the TV that’s intended for them can be a big stress-reducer for nervous children. This article is all about how the right TV technology can entertain and even educate the kids in your waiting room.

Fun & Entertaing Kids Content for your Waiting Room TV

Browsing for kids content is hard. It’s made even more difficult when kids under the age of 7 have very different interests compared to kids over 7. There aren’t a lot of options out there for pediatric offices who want to license children’s content; licensing is the key word here. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, licensing refers to the rights and permissions to use a piece/collection of media in your business.

Think twice about playing videos off of YouTube!

It’s NOT legal; unless you have permission from the creator of the content. There are other reasons why you don’t want to stream YouTube in your waiting room, which you can read in this article. Legality aside, it’s also about control; YouTube just isn’t built with a worry-free “set-it-and-forget-it” mentality.

That’s where a custom TV network comes in handy.

A Custom TV network can be a safe and reliable alternative to cable, DVDs, and looping playlists. You can try Googling “custom TV networks for medical offices,” or take our advice and check out for the most well put together system. It’s Relevant is feature-rich, and users have complete access to a library of over half-a-million videos. More importantly, It’s Relevant TV has kids content; separated into kids 7-under and kids 7+, It’s Relevant gives you greater control over what shows up on your TV.

Educational Kids Content for your Waiting Room TV

Fun and entertaining videos are good, but educational content is even better. It’s Relevant TV’s kids content is a mixed bag, which is great no matter which way you look at it. Whether it’s fun facts and trivia, heathy habits, or new ways to be creative and stay active; IRTV delivers good, quality, licensed content that’s perfect for a pediatric waiting room.

Related article for medical waiting rooms beyond kids: Tips on the Best Patient Education Videos for your Waiting Room TV

When it comes to educating kids on specific information; well-being, oral health, etc, It’s Relevant empowers users with the ability to upload your own custom messaging. Did you ever create videos in the past featuring your brand? Maybe a commercial? Or videos highlighting your staff? You can put those videos to good use with It’s Relevant TV. The technology allows you to upload videos and images for everyone to see. There’s no better way to communicate with your visitors.

Want to know more about Custom TV Networks?

Every medical office is a little different, but every one can benefit from a custom TV network. Set up a demo with the TV experts at if you have any questions about the technology.

Can I Play YouTube Videos In My Medical Office?

Can you play YouTube videos on your waiting room TV?

The short answer is no, not unless they’re Youtube videos you created and own the rights to all of the elements of. The reason you can’t play someone else’s videos in your medical office is because of video licensing. Video licensing prohibits playing any videos in a business without expressed permission. That cool YouTube series that’s fun, family friendly, and seems 100% perfect for your waiting room? No dice — it isn’t legal to play those on your TV without the creator’s say-so. No matter how much visitors would enjoy it or how great you think it would look.

Fortunately — if you had your heart set on a specific kind of content there are other ways to get good, quality videos on your waiting room TV. This article will suggest one or two ways you can achieve that goal, however the best solution will always be getting creating a custom TV network with video licensing built in.

How to Play YouTube Videos on your Waiting Room TV | LEGALLY

Contact the creator of the video or series you’d like to play in your waiting room — plain and simple. Try sending them a direct message, or email them if you know their address. Sometimes all it takes is contacting them, however creators are often going to want compensation in exchange for using their content. And in other cases a YouTube user may not have all of the rights themselves to everything in their video. So they might not have the ability or necessary clearances to even give you permission to use it. Remember; this is only if you want the rights to play a specific video or series in your waiting room.

YouTube videos aren’t enough on their own.

However funny or relevant the content is, relying on a YouTube playlist for your TV solution is a bad idea. Here’s a short list of reasons why:

1.) Playlist features work best on computers and smartphones. YouTube’s UI (user-interface) is designed for a viewer to have on-hand control at a moment’s notice in order to switch playlists or watch something else.

2.) Playlists are often short. Once in a while you’ll find a playlist with a LOT of videos, but more often than not you’re looking at 10 to 20 videos in a series. This becomes VERY repetitive for visitors and staff alike.

3.) Playlists end. No matter how you look at it, the end of a playlist is bad news. If it doesn’t loop, you’re looking at a TV that’s stuck on the video-select screen. Worse is if you have Autoplay toggled, at which point any “related videos” might play. Never mind not having the rights to those new videos, but ANYTHING could be vaguely “related” to that last playlist. There’s no reliable way to police what comes on next without dedicating staff to constantly manage the TV; which is just as silly as it sounds.

That’s where custom TV networks come in handy.

Custom TV Network for your Waiting Room | It’s Relevant TV

Custom TV networks are great because they deliver exactly what you were trying to achieve by playing YouTube videos in your waiting room. Whether you’re new to the idea of a custom TV network or are simply browsing options; It’s Relevant TV is the best place to start. They will show you what’s possible and can help give you an idea of what to expect from other services.

If you were looking for YouTube videos to play in your waiting room, It’s Relevant TV’s got you covered. They also have access to a ton of network TV content as well! They have the licenses you need to play anything they provide.

It’s Relevant isn’t playlist-based. It streams videos directly to your TV based on any categories (over 40+) you have selected. The technology is 100% automatic and customizable; there’s no need to hover in front of the TV in order to keep it going, and you can change your TV’s setting from your computer or smartphone.

IRTV let’s you control your TV from anywhere. You can even block out specific videos and keywords!

It’s Relevant TV licenses content from countless creators in order to give you access to over half-a-million entertaining family-friendly videos. Better than YouTube, it gives you the ability to uploads ads and personal messaging on the side. Between that, and features such as live social media integration, there’s no better way to communicate with your visitors.

You can reach out to a TV expert at using the form on their site if you have any questions about creating a custom TV network for your waiting room.

Business Television | Buying The Best TV For Your Business

Business television — as in, TV specifically designed for your business, is a growing trend amongst small business owners and large franchisees alike. Why? Because everyone benefits from a custom TV network, and more and more people are waking up to the downsides of using cable. Cable and satellite TV simply aren’t a fit — at least not for a lobby or waiting room.

More specifically, business owners are looking for:
1) Better-quality content
2) More control
3) New ways to promote their own services

A business television is the solution to all three. Settling on the right service for your particular business is the trick, because different industries have different needs.

Is Business Television a Good Idea for your Business?

Do you own a…

Restaurant? Whether you have a dining area where customers can sit down and eat, or you simply have an ordering area where people are waiting in line — both are prime opportunities to market to your visitors. Just a couple of minutes is all the time you need to get customers to add a dessert to their meal or take advantage of a new combo. The right business TV can deliver your messaging to customers that are both dining-in or carrying-out.

Medical Office? Urgent cares, dentists, and specialty clinics all benefit from a custom TV network. There’s no better way to showcase products that you endorse or educate patients about new treatments. There’s also no better way to remind visitors about important health & safety measures you’ve taken to keep them safe.

Car Dealership? Probably one of the best examples of an industry with no shortage of things to sell. Everything from new lease offers, to specials on trade-ins, warranties, repair specials, and new models are all fair game to showcase on your business television. Right away you’ll notice more and more customers asking about what they saw on your TVs.

Salon? Salons & Spas are prime candidates for a custom TV network. Whatever service your customer initially came in for, they can be gently reminded of your other services — especially if they’re waiting for their hair or nails to dry.

Gym? Perfect for lobbies and individual workout zones. Put it where people congregate after a workout, or within eyesight of equipment, and you’re guaranteed to get your messaging noticed more; messaging like seasonal membership deals, new classes, or referral programs.

It’s Relevant TV | Diverse Business Television & Programming

It’s Relevant TV serves every industry on the market — restaurants, dealerships, urgent cares, dentists, gyms, salons, entire hospital systems; and more, making it one of the most diverse business TV services you’ll find. However, It’s Relevant isn’t just diverse in the industries it serves; the offering features the world’s largest library of diverse, licensed, short-form content.

It’s TV designed with lobbies and waiting rooms in mind.

If you’re amongst the business owners who are interested in a custom TV network because of its superior content compared to cable, then It’s Relevant TV should be top of your list. IRTV’s vast library of fun and interesting content is comprised of over half-a-million videos spread across 40 unique categories. Content is key because what’s playing on the TV is ultimately going to be what grabs a visitor’s attention. Promoting your services with your own custom messaging is only effective when people are watching the television; that’s why it’s important to choose a service that provides videos that are diverse enough to appeal to all audiences, which will increase your chances of your ads being seen by the right customers at the right time.

Businesses are Changing |Make sure that Change is for the Better

COVID changed the way that a lot of businesses are operating — some of these changes are simply in effect until the pandemic is over, whereas others are here to stay. In the case of restaurants, whole tables are sectioned-off with signs encouraging visitors to maintain social distancing. Bars are erecting plastic barriers between seats. Clinics are placing plastic cones on cushions to prevent people from getting too close to one another. Medical offices are even getting rid of magazines — anything that multiple people are handling is too risky.

An empty magazine kiosk at a dental office.

These measures are for visitor safety, but they nevertheless make people feel out of place and uncomfortable.

With all of these negative changes, make sure your TV is bringing you some positive attention. Business television won’t get rid of any orange traffic cones or empty kiosks, but it’ll certainly help distract visitors from the things that remind them that there’s a pandemic going on; especially news stories that are specifically about the coronavirus itself — which is reason enough to get rid of cable. The last thing you want people to see are stressful stories about how “it still isn’t safe to leave the house.”

Getting Started with It’s Relevant TV

Whether you’re ready to make the switch, or you’re still on the fence about creating a business TV network; the TV experts at are there to help. Chat with them if you have any questions, or schedule a call for a closer look at the content and technology. Custom television for lobbies and waiting rooms is something that every business owner should get excited about. TV that promotes your services, helps get new followers on social media, and costs less than cable is a win-win.


COVID-19: How To Reduce Customer Stress As Businesses Reopen

Reducing customer stress is top-of-the-list for business owners as businesses are reopening across the country. No matter how sanitized your location is, and no matter how closely you’re adhering to new health & safety regulations; many of your customers are still going to be stressed about leaving their homes. This article is all about one simple strategy you can implement right away to reduce customer stress in your business as you reopen.

Related: “Top 5 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Reopening

Reduce Customer Stress with a Custom TV Network

Custom TV networks are a growing trend amongst small businesses owners and large franchisees alike. If you’re not sure what a custom TV network is, imagine a TV channel that’s specifically designed for your business. Because a customized TV network isn’t cable, you aren’t going to see any competitor ads or harmful content playing on your television. Instead, you’re in control of what shows up on your TV.

Imagine owning a pizza restaurant and having Domino’s or Papa John’s ads playing on your TV all throughout the day.

Simply put, if you’re paying for cable you’re paying to have those ads show up in your business. This is just one reason that a lot of business owners are cutting cable. If you’re curious to see 9 more reasons to cancel cable, then check out the following article: Top 10 Reasons to Cancel Cable TV in your Business.

How does a Custom TV Network Reduce Stress Among Customers?

By controlling what shows up on your TV you’re able to eliminate content that might otherwise make visitors anxious about being out in public. If you ask someone what they’re stressed about right now, 9 out of 10 times it’s going to be COVID-related. For that reason, playing most cable channels in your business is a bad idea; especially the news.

Related: “Top 5 Risks of Coronavirus News in your Business

COVID-19 is a hot topic. It’s the subject of talkshows, it’s mentioned in ads, and you can’t watch the news for 10 minutes without it cropping up. Keeping the public informed is important, but at this point everyone knows to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. Coverage on the virus right now is a bit excessive, and stories such as “Think twice before going out to eat just yet” are the last things you want customers to see when they’re visiting your business.

If COVID-19 is going to come up, it should be through your own messaging.

A custom TV network is the best way to communicate with your visitors about the careful measures you’re taking to ensure their health and safety. By getting rid of stressful news and other bad content you’re giving your visitors peace of mind; you’re also improving your chances of them coming back.

The Right Custom TV Network for your Business

Whether you own a restaurant, gym, salon, a car dealership, or even a medical clinic, a custom TV network is the best solution for your TV. However, settling on the right one can be tricky; there’s a lot of options to choose from, and countless features to look out for. Here’s what we suggest:

The best service to start your search with is It’s Relevant TV.

It’s Relevant is the most feature-rich and easy-to-use custom TV network solution on the market. It even has a feature called “Covid-Free TV” built right in. Schedule a call or chat with the TV experts at if you have any questions about what a custom TV network could do for your business.

Free Waiting Room TV Service | Businesses & Medical Offices

Looking for free waiting room TV service for your business or medical office? Cutting cable in favor of waiting room TV software is a step in the right direction; but settling on one of the self-proclaimed “free” TV services is just as bad, if not worse, than what you just got rid of. If you take anything away from this article, let it be not to fall for “free.” You always get what you pay for. Certain waiting room TV services, like this one, are as close to free as you’ll get; with features that make it worthwhile, and tools to even offset the cost.

If you’re paying $0/month for waiting room television, it shouldn’t be because it’s costing you $0/month. It should be because it’s generating enough revenue to cover the monthly cost.

Why is a Free Waiting Room TV Service a Bad Idea?

When something is advertised as “free,” it generally means that it isn’t costing you any money. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t costing you something else. Free is good when that free thing is complimentary, or a bonus; a thank-you for choosing X, Y or Z, with the hopes of leaving a good first impression. When that free thing is a TV service, or a brand-new television; or both, chances are that provider is taking advantage of you in some way.

How can you tell if you’re being taken advantage of?

If something is too good to be true, more often than not that’s usually the case. A free TV + content that you pay 0$/month for? It might seem like a win-win, but beneath the surface there’s something disingenuous going on. There’s no two ways of looking at it — whether you’re a restaurant, a gym, salon, dentist, or even a hospital, you have something these service providers want; a captivated audience.

Day-in and day-out, you’ve got visitors coming in and waiting — sometimes for 10, 15, or even 30 minutes. That’s a long time, and that’s precisely what these providers are looking for; to turn your TV into an electronic billboard. For who? Themselves, and their happy advertisers. They might throw you a bone and give you the ability to upload your own ads on the side, but not without your messages competing for the spotlight.

If you thought commercials were bad…

Try endless looping commercials for drugs, treatments, or nonsense-conditions that you or your doctors don’t endorse; it’s on your TV, visitors will associate it with your brand, and nothing short of turning it off will stop to it.

Recommended Read: “Top 5 Reasons a Free TV Service is Bad for Medical Offices

An Alternative to Free Waiting Room TV Software that’s still Free, and 100% Safe

One of the downsides of a free waiting room TV service, as described above, is that fact that someone else is reaping all of the benefits while you’re stuck with their ads playing on your TV. But what if that “someone else” was someone you chose to instead? Someone you trust, or a non-competing brand that your business supports.

It’s Relevant TV, a company that provides custom TV networks to businesses, is unique in that it offers shoppers a $0/month Sponsor-Supported package in which you choose a trusted company, organization, or fellow business owner to cover the cost of your monthly subscription. In exchange, they get to feature their brand and messaging on your TV in a way that is mutual, non-intrusive, and most-importantly; safe for your business.

Check to see if there are any local businesses that you can partner with!

Choosing a brand that pairs well with your business, who has your best interests at heart, is a lot better than letting someone you don’t know; who you’ve never heard of, profit off of your business’ TV. Partnerships are, and always will be, a great marketing strategy.

A Safer Way to Shop for Waiting Room TV Software

The best way make sure that you’re getting a TV system that’s built to serve your brand is to consult with someone in the industry itself. The TV experts at are there answer any questions you might have about what to look for when it comes to waiting room TV technology. Schedule a call with them, or ask to arrange a demo if you’re serious about a custom TV network.

If anyone should be making money off of the TV in your business or medical office, it’s you, or a partnered brand. Your TV, your space, and your visitors are extraordinarily valuble to these advertising companies; so much so that these “free TV services” are able to deal out free TVs and iPads like playing cards. The cost of that technology is nothing compared to what they’re making off of you.