
IRTV: Top 5 Misconceptions About It’s Relevant TV

It’s Relevant TV is a lot of things, but there’s also a lot of things it isn’t. When it comes to what’s on your TV, separating fact from assumption is important to your business, and your bottom line. This article will address some of the common  misconceptions people have about IRTV.

1. IRTV is NOT a Looping Display

You might have seen “custom TV networks” that turn out to be nothing more than a short list of dry/boring videos that loop endlessly – It’s Relevant TV is not one of these networks. It’s Relevant works with content providers and pulls its ever-changing content from a library consisting of over half a million videos. These videos play seamlessly and can be mixed with your own content to for added customization. It is not a looping display that pretends to be TV.

2. IRTV is NOT Expensive

It’s Relevant TV is designed to make you money while costing less than the average business cable service. IRTV gets people to come back more, and spend more by educating visitors on additional services your business offers. It’s Relevant features space on the side for you to showcase any ads, reminders, or images that you want people to see. IRVT helps generate more revenue and repeat business each month by focusing on customer retention. Check out the ROI Calculator to see how much you could be generating each month with It’s Relevant.

3. IRTV is NOT Hard to Use

A TV channel for businesses that is fully customizable, allows you to manage content categories, integrate social media, and upload personal ads/videos for everyone to see has to be pretty complex, right? Not at all. It’s Relevant can be easily managed through virtually any phone, tablet or computer. The customization features are broken down into self-explanatory tabs that are straightforward, easy to navigate, and accessible anywhere.

4. IRTV is NOT Cable TV

Cable TV is an expense which gives nothing back, gives you no control beyond manually changing the channels, and is plagued with competitor ads that you’re literally paying for visitors to see. It’s Relevant is none of those things. And while each IRTV is a living, breathing, TV network – it isn’t cable. IRTV is a vital tool designed to improve visitor experience and improve your business in ways that cable can’t.

5. IRTV IS Worth Making the Switch

Change can be hard, but it’s worth exploring when that change can improve visitor experience, or help generate more revenue. People say “don’t fix what isn’t broken,” however staying the same forever can be just as bad. Being set in your ways might close doors to new, and innovative ideas your competitors will happily open, which is why it’s important to give it a look.